More recruiting

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"Looks like we have to thank Izuku-sama again for these new bodies of ours," said Kota's mother kota's father agreed before taking musculars prosthetic eye as a trophy and contacting souei about the body and then headed for Izuku's location.


Izuku was still in the air with Kota and soon spotted a group of people fighting. It was the WWP and some of the members from the League of Villains, izuku then dropped down in the middle of them surprising them and causing them to stop fighting as they look at him and that is when Mandalay saw Kota.

Izuku then put Kota down and he went over to Mandalay she pick him up and hugged him "Kota are you alright" asked Mandalay as she checked to see if he was injured in any kind. "Yes I am alright he saved me," said Kota as he pointed at Izuku. "Hello everyone I" "Hey who the fuck are" asked a guy with a lizard appearance wearing an outfit that resembles stains.

Izuku just snapped his fingers as every villain was wrapped in sticky steel thread. "I don't recall giving you permission to speak did I, also it is rude to interrupt someone when they are talking," said Izuku as he covered they persons mouth with thread. Izuku then saw pixie bob on the ground and was bleeding from the head izuku walked over to her and used one of the potions causing her injuries to vanish and she soon regain consciousness.

"Oh and I found her earlier she is ok now," said Izuku as a portal opened ragdoll came out of the portal she was looking around and that is when she saw her team and went to them. "There now everyone is present," said Izuku as they were surprised that Izuku could heal Pixie bobs injuries like it was nothing.

"Now then I am Izuku Midoriya it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance," said Izuku "You see I can here to recruit you all to join my kingdom," said Izuku as everyone was shocked by this. "I think all of you have a problem with that because of the news and honesty I can't blame you for that," said Izuku. "Well it is best that show you the truth about me if I am to gain your trust so here is the truth about everything," said Izuku as he showed everyone minus Kota what he has gone through.

Once it was done the heroes could not believe that they have been trying to protect a cruel society and the villains were more than eager to destroy the society. "I can see you all have mixed reactions and it is understandable that is why I am here to change everything but I need more people like you to do so," said Izuku.

"You see I have no equal I can make your dream a reality no matter what I want a make a world where people no longer have to suffer and be happy, a world where you are not judged by anyone that is the world I wish to build," said izuku as they listened to his words. Izuku the released the one he tied up "so let me ask you will join me to make a better world a just world," asked izuku.

Everyone is as thinking about whether that should be or not "There is one last thing I wish to show you" said Izuku as they heard footsteps the WWP could not believe who they saw and Kota ran to them. "How is this possible," asked Mandalay as she and tears ran down her cheeks as she saw the water hose heroes standing in from of her. "That would be my doing," said Izuku as they looked at him "Death means nothing to me or my people join me and you no longer have to fear death," said Izuku.

Just then a person with black hair and with patches of gnarled, wrinkled, purple skin that cover much of his lower face and neck, all the way down past his collarbone, below his eyes, around his torso, and on his arms and legs walking out of the forest. "Dabi what are you doing here/hey just in time," asked one of the villains as Dabi ignored him and went to face Izuku "You said that you can make our wishes come true" asked Dabi.

"Yes I can dabi because I always keep my word," said Izuku as Dabi then prostrated himself before Izuku. "Then I wish to join you," said Dabi "I also wish to join you/count me in," said a villain as Izuku looked at him and knew he was not right in the head. "What is your name," asked Izuku "It twice/and don't you forget," said twice as Izuku placed his hand on his head and saw his memories.

Once he was done he looked at him twice with sadness in his eyes "I see you have suffered for some time but now I free you from your torment" said Izuku as he placed his hand on twice's head again and started to repair his broken mind izuku soon let go of his head. "So how do you feel twice," said Izuku as twice stood up and felt better than ever. "I feel amazing my mind is so clear now thank you, thank you, your majesty," said twice as he bowed to Izuku with tears in his eyes.

Izuku only smiled as he placed his hand on twice shoulder "I will always help my people if they need it" said Izuku "I also wish to join" said Mandalay "Count us in too" said the rest of her team as Izuku looked at the last villain awaiting an answer. "I made my decision," said the villain who wore a dark orange shirt, left unbuttoned to reveal with white v-neck she had on underneath, and blue jeans secured with a belt, plain dark brown espadrilles on her feet.

She then activated her quirk and Izuku started to glow blue and was pulled towards the villain "I see" said Izuku as she was about to hit him in the head with her weapon only for Izuku to move his head out of the way and punch her giant magnet. This surprised the villain as her giant magnet started to fall apart and broke into pieces. Kota's mom covered Kota's eyes and ears as she knew what was about to happen.

Izuku then grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up in the air "So you have chosen death then" said Izuku as was about to pierce her chest "W-wait please wait your Majesty" said a villain that was wearing a costume-like stain. "What is it spinner," asked Izuku "I beg of you to show her mercy," said Spinner "You have the nerve to say to me," said Izuku as Spinner looked at him and saw anger in his eyes. "She attacked me and planned to kill me why should I allow her to live," said Izuku

"I know I am speaking out of line but please hear me out," said Spinner as Izuku nodded. "Sir maybe if she saw firsthand the world you speak of, show her your kingdom I am sure she would join," said Spinner "What if she doesn't agree in the end and causes more harm to my people what then Spinner," asked izuku. "Then I will be one to kill her," said Spinner as Izuku looked at Magne and moved her in the direction of Spinner. "Prove you are willing to do what is necessary then," said Izuku.

Everyone was waiting to see what would spinner do as he looked at his weapon which is a bunch of blades held together by belts. Spinner then grabbed the handle of his weapon and stood firm and clench his teeth and slowly made his way towards Magne he then lifted his weapon high into the air had swung down with all his might as Magne put her arms up trying to defend herself but it was no use as the weapon sliced off her arm and slashed her torso.

Blood was gushing out of her wound as she screamed in pain as izuku dropped her to the ground he used one of his potions to make her good as new. "Very well spinner you are responsible for her now," said Izuku as he bowed "Thank you majesty," said Spinner as he kneeled in front of him.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

The Supreme Ruler Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora