Peter didn't know how he managed to get through so much of the paperwork, was it the drive to get his work done with and out of the way pushing him further, or was it the knowledge that Laura was in the next room and he wasn't sure how long she would be complacent and want to do something else.
Either way he was thankful that he got through enough that if she did waken he would be fine with leaving the rest for later. He had managed to go through several different experiment reports, updated a few different projects and their schematics, oversaw some of the potential partners and requests looking to join Parker Industries.
However, when he looked at the seal on the next piece of paper he wanted to crumple it up and throw it away lest he develop a headache for the no doubt insane request that was being offered to him.
In the top left corner of the page was the SHIELD logo, a request from them only meant trouble for him. Thankfully they were unaware of his identity, or at least he believed they were unaware, he wasn't sure how much information SHIELD has access to and if they had discovered he was Spider-Man.
Regardless he wasn't going to entertain their request and was about to deny it when a notification came through from Anna.
"There has been some progress with the newest project. You wanted me to keep you informed of any progress was made." The notification read.
This project was important and he wanted to make sure everything was going off without a hitch, but he couldn't just up and leave with Laura sleeping in the next room.
Deciding to leave her a note Peter slowly opened the door to the room and saw Laura sleeping soundly on the bed. He was curious at the fact she seemed to be wearing one of his shirts but payed no attention to it further, instead he left the note on the nightstand and left.
'At least she's resting. Hopefully she won't wake up until I get back.' He thought optimistically.
Quickly exiting his office Peter went to meet with Anna at their testing rooms to see what progress had been made with his newest project.
'I really hope this project is a success. It can really help some people who need it.' He hoped as he continued through the building.
He approached the testing room and was a little anxious and a little excited to head inside, there was the slight worry that the project could fail and they'd be sent back who knows how many days work.
"Anna? How's things looking?" He asked walking into the room.
"Well... we believe we've got the circuitry complete and a prototype has been made to fit the designated parameters." Anna began.
"Good." Peter said happily.
"Buuuut... we have no way of testing the device without a very 'specific' kind of subject." She informed him of the projects roadblock.
"Yea, I guess you're right. I suppose I could test it but that may not be conclusive enough." Peter hypothesised.
"Peter... may I ask why did you design it the way you did?" She asked him curiously.
"Why? What's wrong with it?" He questioned.
"I mean... why a ring or necklace? Dose the aesthetic serve some kind of function?" She specified.
"I wanted it to be pragmatic for the person to wear, something easy and casual for them to have without it being too much of an inconvenience or drawing any unwanted attention." Peter explained.
"I see. I suppose that makes sense." She agreed, knowing the intention of the project.
Peter examined the item and wondered how he would test the prototype effectively when an idea struck him.
"Hold on a minute Anna, I might have a way we can test this thing." He said before abruptly leaving the testing room.
Anna shook her head as he left, she shouldn't be surprised by anything he dose at this point, so she just waited patiently for him to return with whatever, or whoever, was going to test their newest project.
Peter rushed back to his office in the hopes that he could convince Laura to 'participate' in testing their newest prototype, if she agreed that is.
Laura wasn't the most easily swayed or convinced of doing something, heck just earlier that day she was bored out of her mind waiting for him to finish his paperwork that she sauntered off to sleep. Well... it wasn't like she could have done much to help him there but she was adamant about him putting it off so they could do something together.
Rushing back to the office Peter barged into the room, surprisingly the action didn't wake Laura, but Peter would have to change that... and possibly suffer the consequences for such an act.
"Laura... Laura... wake up." He said barely above a whisper as he stood beside her and gently shook her.
She barely responded to his attempt, only slightly groaning when he shook her. "Laura... wake up." He said a little bit louder, but unfortunately she still didn't respond.
Giving up on the gentle approach Peter called out to her just above his normal speaking voice and shook her a bit more aggressively in the hopes she would finally wake up.
Laura grunted before she threw her arm out to knock away whatever was trying to wake her up, she ended up hitting Peter who wasn't expecting such a reaction from her and was knocked back slightly.
She turned over with her eyes half open looking to see who it was, only to see Peter holding the side of his face from when she hit them. Jolting up in surprise Laura was now fully awake and wide eyed in shock as she knew exactly what had happened even if she was still half asleep at the time.
"Peter? Sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you." She quickly apologised jumping out of bed.
"It's... alright. I was just coming up to ask you if you'd like to help me in testing one of our newest projects." He asked her.
"An experiment? What kind of experiment?" She asked skeptically.
"Hopefully... something that can help a lot of people who need it." He answered.

Recovering from Superior
FanfictionPeter gets his body back from Otto. His name is cleared as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Now it's time to get his life together not knowing who will be brought along for the ride.