Chapter 4

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"W-with me?" He repeated in shock.

"Yep." She replied casually.

"Laura... you can't just show up out of nowhere and decide for yourself that you're gonna stay with me." He sternly told her.

"Well, I have nowhere else to go. Are you gonna kick me out and leave me on the streets to fend for myself?" She asked with mirth.

Peter sighed heavily. She was right, he couldn't kick her to the streets. He had no doubt that she could defend herself out there but he wasn't going to ignore her request just to save face.

"Uhhh... alright alright, you can stay with me. Temporarily." He said defeatedly.

Laura jumped and cheered that he caved in to her request. "See, that wasn't so hard was it." She said while elbowing him humorously.

"Look, I've got work to do right now." He tried to change topic.

"Work? What kind of work?" She asked as he walked over to his desk.

"I've got a bunch of papers to look over." He answered.

"Paperwork? Boring." She elongated showing her disliking.

"What can be so important about paperwork?" She asked.

"They are reports and results from some experiments, some requests from other companies for partnership or some inquires into other experiments and testing." He explained which only seemed to bore her even further.

Laura walked behind him and slumped over his shoulder taking a look at some of the papers in front of him. She didn't understand half of the sciency stuff that was written on them but she did catch a glimpse of one item that got her interested.

"Hey, what's that on for?" She asked pointing to the paper in question.

Peter examines the paper and realised what experiment it was for, he quickly hid it away and stuffed it into his desk drawer locking it after he closed it again.

"It's nothing." He said anxiously.

"Like I'm gonna believe that. Cmon tell me what it is?" She pressed him for more information.

"No. It's... confidential. And it's still not functional anyway." She dismissed her inquiry.

Laura pouted that he still wouldn't tell her what the experiment was for. But she let it slide this time and decided to sit on top of his desk until he gave her something fun to do.

"I've got a lot of paperwork to get through so the sooner I can get started the sooner we do something else." He tried to compromise.

"And what am I supposed to do until then?" She asked.

Peter had to admit that was a pretty valid question, what was she going to do in the mean time. He didn't expect anyone to see him when he got back to the office so he planned to get as much paperwork done as possible, but Laura's presence meant he had to think of something to occupy her time while he worked.

"Well... what do you normally do when your at the X-Mansion?" He asked her curiously.

"Nothing much. We usually have classes going on, training in the danger room, or going out on missions." She answered lacklustrely.

Peter didn't have anything like that for her to do. He wasn't a teacher anymore and this wasn't the place for that kind of learning, he didn't have any training rooms here only resting facilities for his experiments and he didn't have my missions or jobs for her to do.

"Well... I'm not sure about any of that stuff. But why don't you relax yourself for a while." He said pointing to a door across from his desk.

"Back there is the room I keep for if I'm ever working late, there's a bed, television, and a shower if you need to freshen up." He guided her over before unlocking the door.

Laura walked into the room and it was quite lavish and well decorated, much more than she expected. It wasn't just a spare room it was completely filled with everything you'd ever need of you needed a place to lay low for a while.

"This is a really nice pad you've got Peter." She said in astonishment.

"I've spent a few nights here myself so it really comes in handy if I'm too tired to swing home. So feel free to use it for now while I get some work done." He offered before taking his leave and closing the door.

Laura looked around the room briefly before deciding that she wanted to take a shower after her travels to get here.

Meanwhile Peter sighed out an exhausted breath when he closed the door, at least the whole 'Laura' situation was taken care of, but he still needed to think of something more permanent for her if she wasn't going to go back the mansion,

Not to mention he still had a huge stack of paperwork to go through which would not doubt leave him exhausted and... if he were being honest, bored as all hell.

'Let's just see how much I can get through for now.' He thought before sitting back down and focusing on getting as much of the paperwork done.

A few minutes later Laura came out of the shower, her long raven coloured hair dripping slightly as it cling to her back, she didn't bring a change of clothes so she opted to stay in her underwear whilst rummaging through some of the drawers beside the bed.

Finding Peters clothes inside she took the first one she saw and threw it on, it hung very loosely over her body due to their size difference but it was enough to completely cover her body and even reach down below her waist.

Her eyes were drawn to the fresh bed beside her. Peter had said that he used it sometimes when he was too tired, so with nothing else to do she climbed in under the covers and made herself comfortable, something that wasn't hard to do as the feeling in the bed made Laura feel like she was floating on a cloud.

But... the best thing about the bed for Laura was the smell. Thanks to her enhanced senses she could still smell Peters scent on the bed, it gave her a comforting peace of mind when she inhaled his scent and thought of him like he was beside her. So with some peaceful thoughts of the man in the next room flooding her mind Laura went to sleep with a serene smile on her face.

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