Chapter 29 🏖️

Start from the beginning

I bolt across the sand which kicks up and sprays the backs of my calves. My feet meet the cold watery sea foam which is making people freak out and back away because it's "too freezing." I continue on at the same pace as I pretend to trip but instead leap and dive into the water, which unsurprisingly is extremely cold. I can feel my blood rushing through my body (not that it is heating me up noticeably like I wish it would,) as I swim through the water and swim around calmly on my back, trying to ignore the frostbite energy that the ocean is kindly gifting me. 

I swim around but don't stand up since it will be colder with the wind blowing on my skin. I watch Miles who is still at the towels, he is looking at me in shock which is making me hella smug. He starts to bound towards the water. As he gets waist deep I watch as he stands on his toes uncomfortably, his shoulders lifting up and his arms tensing up at the icy water which has started sending little waves towards him. I laugh as I watch them slap against his stomach, making him screw up his face and scowl.

"Fuck," I hear him exclaim. I go underwater and start to swim towards him, eventually standing up directly in front of him. Warm breath, the cold water mixed with the slight tension between us makes me nervous and tingly inside. He looks down at me annoyedly as I look at him with a bit of a taunting gleam in my eyes.

"It's not that cold Miles, you're just being dramatic," I roll my eyes as a sly little smile forms on my lips.

"Did you think I ran in here to be all competitive with you?" He laughs, in a demeaning manner at me. 

"Yes," I answer, sighing as I sink back down to neck deep in the water.

"Well you're right," Miles smirks, splashing me, the water gets in my eyes but I'm fine since I learnt to open my eyes under water at a youngish age. I go to splash him but he just dives through a small wave which I try to catch so that I can get away from the bloodthirsty Miles who is going to splash me continuously for ages since I was being a show off beforehand and he is obviously ticked off about it. As I see him resurface I decide that going deeper is my best option but before I dive underwater I see Miles throw a handful of sand at me. I spit a bit out since it hit my neck and a bit splatted near and in my mouth.

 I go through a wave and then keep swimming deeper whilst using my hands to wipe off any sand on my chest, neck or face whilst I am under water. I soon realize that I can't see Miles, which is worrying since he is either drowning, swimming closer or picking up more sand to throw. I suddenly see that he is actually really near me but just under the water. He stands up from underneath me and now I am somehow on his shoulders.

"What the hell, how are you doing that," I say, my body wobbly and unsupported on his lanky, bony shoulders.

 I'm also suddenly aware of how my legs are literally pressed against his neck...well of course now that that thought drifted to my brain I'm getting all flustered and probably blushing. He continues to walk very slowly to the deeper end, I simply die inside as I see and feel that he is holding me up by gripping my outer thighs.

"I used to play with Flora like this in the pool all of the time," Miles replies. I can't help but feel like he isn't doing this in an older brotherly way with me. He is flirting through being "Competitive."

Miles randomly lurches forwards as he suddenly throws me off his shoulders and dunks me under the water. As I get up I make a deal of splashing about as a repellent to get him away from me. As I resurface I push my hair back so that it is more like a gelled back beachy hair vibe rather than dangling soggy in my face.

Miles' head pushes up from under the water as he laughs hysterically. After he calms down he swims closer to me, I lift my hands to the surface of the water to let him know I will splash him if he comes near. Miles closes his hand and hovers it in front of me. He drops something solid into the water. I go under the surface to quickly retrieve it and get a look at what it is. It's a quarter or so of a shell, it is a common shape but it is completely jet black with a bit of a gradient white towards the bottom, it looks quite beautiful to me.

"Wait, this is actually super nice," I grin, holding it up to my face. Miles pushes through the water to come closer to me as he peers at the shell.

"Wanna find more?" He suggests.

"Miles you're literally nearly seventeen and I'm sixteen," I scoff.

"So you don't want to look for shells then?" Miles asks, smirking.

"No fuck off of course I do," I say, immediately diving down and observing the sand bed which is scattered with rocks and only a small amount of shells. I don't see anything interesting so I come up for breath. Miles is below the surface still looking so I dive down and face him under the water, his hair is floating around his head and his cheeks are all puffed out from holding his breath, he looks like a lion mixed with a blowfish. I let out a giggle which turned into massive bubbles. I come up for air. As I resubmerge myself I see that Miles is holding something. I move closer to his hand which he is holding palm out for me to look at. I realize he is holding a little gray crab. We both come up for breath.

"It's a crab," Miles says, staring at the small crustaction curiously.

"I can see that," I respond, eyeing the crab suspiciously. I am not standing close to Miles now but that is not because I'm scared of the crab, I'm actually just scared Miles is going to be generous and throw it at me.

"It's like a spider covered in shells," Miles says, gazing at the creature in wonderment. After a while of us observing it, he finally drops the crab back into the water. 

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