Sweet n' Sour/ Master Chef china

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[A/n] i skipped over pig pong panic since i didn't have any ideas for the episode, so i went ahead and just went to sweet n sour, i was able to include Xiao Ming well enough into this episode. I hope you guys enjoy and sorry for the delay since i had to rewrite this chapter once again since wattpad was being a jerk

This chapter takes place 2 weeks after dumpling destruction and Xiao Ming has been learning modern tech and terms by Mk and Mei

So she regularly uses modern terms and Mk usually refers to Xiao Ming as Ming.

(Im also certain they taught slang to Tang because there is absolutely no way he learned those on his own)


"I" = when Xiao Ming is using telepathic communication
I = normal talking
"I"= sound or noise from devices
I= thinking
[I]= destination
I= character introduction or to be introduced and emphasized words
I= different language or speaking tagalog
I= written things

3rd Pov:

To say that pigsy wanted blood on his hands, well hooves, was a bit of an understatement.

For the past week or so a company called ‘Speedy Panda’ has been sabotaging his son’s deliveries. Said son was laying down on his countertop with an ice pack on his head, the mysterious girl from the scroll next to him.

Her hands were hovering on top of his head glowing a light yellow, small sparkles hovering around her hands. The aching of Mk’s head started to dwindle thanks to her healing and the ice pack. Tang sitting next to his son rubbing small circles on his son’s back.

“ Oh I have had it here to those speedy panda brickheadz! THEY’VE BEEN SABOTAGING ME ALL WEEK!!”
Mk angrily voiced his frustration. The ice pack he held was now on his cheek. His baba Tang was back at slurping his noodles as  Pigsy spoke up in annoyance.

“Those punks with their flash frozen, microwave junk!”

Pigsy’s fist was trembling in frustration, Looking back at his billboard of pictures.

“Convenience can never replace a traditional, home cooked family recipe”

Pigsy said in a gentle tone, lifting a picture of him and his mom cooking noodles.

“Yeeeaah, but they do do it quicker”

In anger, Pigsy turned towards his son, gritting and bearing his teeth. Mk poked his pointer fingers together, sweat dropping.

“All I'm saying is…maybe you can afford to pick up the pace?”

Mk suggested in a meek tone.
yeah, Big mistake on his part.

“Pick up the pace?!”

Mk’s face blanked at his father’s angry tone

“You're the delivery driver, YOU PICK UP THE PACE!!!”

Mk almost flew back from his father’s wrath but got caught from a small blue pastel cloud that appeared behind him and put him back on his feet Xaio Ming hovering next to him. Mk thanked her as she dispelled the cloud and fixed his hair then dusting off his jacket of small sparkles from the cloud. As pigsy talked about how his noodles were made, she turned him out with a puff of light blue smoke and turned into a Chinese mountain cat. her golden headband now turned into a small one around her ears.

Her dark black striped tail swayed as she floated down to the countertop near the seat Tang was sitting at and sat down, shaking her head making her light blue fur sway then layed down.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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