The Beast Hunter and The Hunter of Love

Start from the beginning

"Both of you, stop it. Now."

Cassandra said this the same way her mom said things to her dad or uncles when they did something stupid, like killing someone and leaving the corpse on the dining room table (something that has happened more times than any of the Mikaelson clan would care to admit). The very annoyed tribrid sighed and looked at the two Heartslabyul students with 'listen or else' eyes, her golden irises seeming to glow even brighter with annoyance. If the two morons weren't terrified, they probably would have thought it was hot.

"You both are acting like children. I don't know what happened or what made you both so mad, but this whole 'alpha male rivalry' thing isn't gonna happen. I will not have the two of you arguing over petty things every other minute. Deuce, you are in the Court of Miracles now. That means what you do and how you act reflects back on me and others. If you're constantly getting into verbal sparring matches and get easily goaded into doing things, those negative qualities will be associated with all of us once people find out who we are and how we are associated."

Ace let out a loud "Ha!" as Cassandra finished verbally obliterating his love rival, only to be intimidated into silence once more when Cassandra's piercing gaze fell on him.

"As for you Ace, if you want to remain by my side in a more official manner, you can't constantly be arguing with one of your own. We are a united front against whatever or whoever opposes us. If you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. That won't have much meaning though, if your constantly arguing with someone who is supposed to be your friend and ally. Do I make myself clear?"

Ace looked a bit confused by the reasoning behind his verbal beatdown, but Deuce knew what she was implying, and was very opposed to it.

"What?! You want him in the Court?! I thought it was only made up of people you trust with your life?! You can't trust him! He's a total jackass! No! No way!"

Ace looked like he was about to ask questions, but was stopped when Cassandra responded to Deuce.

"I said I felt I could trust you after barely one conversation, that you have a good heart. I know Ace is annoying-"

Ace made a choked noise at that.

"-But he has a kind heart too, even if it doesn't show itself the first time you meet him... or the second or third."

Ace exclaimed a small "Hey!" and looked like he was about to say more, but another piercing glare from Cassandra silenced him.

"But it's there. It's just buried under a lot of snark. My decision is final, Deuce. So, both of you, make up, stop arguing, and at least pretend to like each other. Do I make myself clear?"

Ace went to open his mouth, only for Cassandra to interrupt him.

"And I swear if one of you says 'but he started it', I will smack you so hard not even google will be able to find your asses."

Ace then quickly closed his mouth before opening it again, and Deuce proceeded to open his with a confused look.

"What's google?", the teal eyed and red eyed boy asked in unison, causing them to glare at each other.

Cassandra sighed and rubbed her temples. This was going to be a long day.

"What is your next class?", she asked, exasperated. The two took their crumpled, paper schedules out of their blazer pockets. Cassandra took them and looked over them. Aside from Ace having study hall when the rest of them had potions, their schedules were the same as the rest of the Court's. Their next class was Physical Education, followed by lunch, study hall with Professor Trien again (This was when Ace had potions), and a free period to use for homework, tutoring, clubs and office hours. Cassandra thought that was a pretty sparse schedule, but considering the amount of work everyone had been given just on the first day, maybe it was because first year was about learning the basics and they would move up to have more classes next year. That or this school had a major staffing problem.

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