2nd one shot

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Y/n p.o.v.

Y/n : hmm... it's a beautiful day today.... the weather is perfect.

Thinking that I started to walk towards my college while humming my favourite song but then all of a sudden a bike passed by me with the high speed making the dert on the road fall on my clothes

Y/n : aish!!...who the hell is that??

The bike guy  stopped the bike in a distance and looked at me........but I can't see his face because of his helmet.......I furrowed my eyebrows in anger and walked towards him to confront him for his rash driving.

Y/n : Hey mister!!.... don't you know how to drive??!!ever heard of Speed limits??

?? : Do you know how to ride a bike Mrs village??

Hearing that I got shocked as I recognised his voice.... it's my bully....kim Taehyung.....he took off his helmet and gave me dirty look while looking at my clothes.

Tae : well.....those out dated clothes look better with the mud on them.* Laughing* in fact you look better now Mrs village.....

Y/n : YOU!!!

TAE : Don't waste my time and learn to walk carefully... this is not your village.... it's seoul...a very big city.

Saying that he scoffed and drove of while I wiped my tears controlling my anger.....this is not my first time he did this.the movement I moved to Seoul for my college education my life changed a lot people here all materialistic and self-centred unlike my people back in the village. This seoul peoples  didn't care about others and judge people way too quickly just by looking at their clothes and their accent...... Specially Taehyung. Being the popular guy in college he always make fun of my dressing and my accent....I comfort him and tell him not to bother me but he just don't stop insulting me. I just hate him a lot.... All are people living in cities same??......... I signed and walk back to my apartment to change my clothes.

After a while
Y/n p.o.v

I lock the door and was about walk towards out when I heard of female voice calling for help..... I noticed it's coming from my next door.i walked close and noticed the door is open...... Nice slowly pushed it  peeking inside saying.

Y/n : ummm....is there a problem here??

As Soon as I opened the door I saw a woman lying on the floor in front of the door....she is pregnant and crying a lot while holding Her stomach.

?? : * sobs * h-help me.....pls.

Y/n : ohh my god!!!...I think she is getting her dilevery pain. * Panick *

After few hours
Thv p.o.v.

After getting a call from my sister saying that she gave birth in her room I rushed to her to see her.....the door is opened and as soon as I entered in the bed room I saw my sister laying on bed with pale face.

Tae : noona...noona are you ok.
* Panic*

Noona : I'm fine tae...I almost lost my life when an angel came to me and saved both me and my baby.

Tae : an angel?!

Noona : yes..this morning I got dilevery pains...I fell on the floor not being able to control myself and I didn't even have the strength to call an embolance or anyone... That's a when a woman came to me.. she look like a college student.... After seeing me crying in pain she didn't hesitate and started making arrangements of delivery like a professional doctor.... I trusted her and she didn't let me down.... In a few minutes I give a birth to a beautiful daughter.* Smile*

one shots of KTH 🥵🥵🥵Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora