Chapter 7;

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Jake broke out of paul and bradys grip, and stood infront of billy. 'What do you mean 'whoever wins gets the witch'?!'

Billy sighed calmly. 'why dont we all go inside and i'll explain then'

We all made our way into the house, and stood in a big circle in the living room with billy at the top of it.

Billy sighed, looking at all the group. 'Centuries ago, after the slaughtering of all those witches thanks to the Volturi, the Lakota tribe offered them a treaty. Whenever a new witch was born or came about on our land, the Wolves and Vampires would have to battle it out to see who would win her, this way meant that less witches were killed because 7 times outta 10, the wolves won'

i crinkled my eyebrows. 'wait, so i don't even get a choice? i'm just gonna be auctioned off like a piece of meat' i sighed. 'Don't i have any rights?'

Billy shook his head. 'i'm afraid not. You've gotta remember that this treaty was formed way back before women had any rights at all'

Paul spoke up. 'so what happens if they win rose?'

Billy sighed hard. 'they'll most likely kill her'

I gulped; no pressure then.

Jake started to shake, his face turning hard as stone.

He stormed out the house, threw his top to the ground and transformed into a wolf, racing off into the woods.

I went to go after him, but billy stopped me. 'he needs time to think. Let him be'

i nodded,as colin spoke up. 'so what are we gonna do?'

Sam looked to the group. 'we're gonna fight. We will not be pushed around by vampires. We're gonna win, and we're gonna keep our rose safe'

i grinned wide at this.

i looked at billy. 'by 'battle', do you mean to the death?'

Billy shook his head. 'i'm not going to lie, many lives from the packs and the vampires have been lost due to these battles. But because the pack and the Volturi don't believe in wasting magical blood,either from a vampire or a wolf, the battles are usually just until one team surrenders. But even then the battles could go on for days'

Jared looked around nervously. 'Am i the only one that's worried? We've never faced the Volturi before, they're not like normal vampires. They have powers and shit, how are we gonna compete with that?'

Sam nodded. 'you're right, we havent faced anything like the Volturi before. So we're gonna have to pull in some reinforcements'

Bill looked up at Sam. 'the cullens?'

Sam nodded. 'the cullens'


The Cullens were a group of vampires that had turned vegetarian. They lived in La Plush until they moved away, and apparently the packs had a civil understanding with them.

I had no idea a Vampire could be vegetarian, but i'm guessing i would find out in a couple of days because thats when they were coming down to help.

I sighed walking over to the glass windows, looking out at the forest.

I crossed my arms and bit my lip, wondering where jacob was.

It'd been 3 hours since he'd left and i was getting worried.

Emily came over and stood next me. 'he's fine. Stop stressing'

I furrowed my eyebrows looking at her. 'how'd you know i was thinking about him?'

she smirked and raised any eyebrow. 'Rose, we're both imprints, i understand what you're going through'

I raised an eyebrow back and chuckled. 'do you have a whole army of vampires trying to kill you?'

emily chuckled. 'ok maybe i don't understand everything'

i giggled looking back out at the woods, to see sam and jacob walking back to the house. Sam must have chased after him to see what's up.

Me and em walked over to meet them at the door.

Sam nodded my way before walking away with Emily, leaving me and Jake alone in the living room.

Jake sighed, running a hand through his hair. 'i'm sorry for leaving so suddenly, I'm still learning how to keep my anger under control'

i smiled gently at him. 'its ok, i understand. How are you feeling now?'

he chuckled. 'only you would put everyones elses feelings before your own'

i shrugged. 'yeh well my feelings are sort of all over the place at the minute'

He moved his hands onto my waist, pulling me closer. 'we're gonna get through this. Those vampire aren't gonna touch you, not as long as i'm here'

his words soothed me, but i couldn't shake that little voice in the back of my head.

i sighed. 'you know just as well as i do that if we dont win this battle,i'm basically dead'

Jake shook his head, gripping my waist tighter. He leant his forehead on mine. 'dont say that' he sighed, closing his eyes. 'i dunno what i'd do if i lost you'

i cupped his face and made him look at me. 'well you havent yet, so let's just make the most of what we've got now'

he grinned wide. 'i like the sound of that'

i smiled, blush radiating off my cheeks. 'me too'

he chuckled, swooping down and picking me up bridal style.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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