22 - Heartless

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"If you don't shut up and end this shit already, your little girl will be gone in a second. Boom, just like that." She chuckled. The sound of her chuckle made shivers crawl down his spine and he screamed in frustration, making her grin even wider. "Put your guns down and get down on your knees."

"If you touch my girl I will fucking slice your th-"

"Are you threatening her?" Sunghoon stepped in front of Y/N, looking down at Mal Chin while he was kneeling on the ground. The sight was too good to be true that Y/N couldn't help but take out her phone to click some pictures. "Look at her again the wrong way and watch me take out your eyeballs."

"I can't wait to show these to Bora." She walked to him, her hand grabbing him by the jaw to make him face her. "You worked for the wrong person and made an ugly mistake stepping into my life. I'm not a monster, I wouldn't go for a kid, but look where you got me. When your child explodes into pieces, blame yourself."

"What do you fucking want!?" He screamed and she harshly let go of his jaw. "Bora will kill you before you know it!"

"She's just an idiot with daddy issues, you must know our relationship." Folding her arms over her chest, she looked down at him. "Tell me everything about Black Rose." 

"W-what? No, you better k-kill me-"

"I am going to kill you," She scoffed. "But save me the guilt for taking an innocent soul. Now talk."

"She's-" His head was down low as he groaned in frustration. "She's planning to kill that Haru guy... that's it, I don't know shit! Don't kill my daughter, please! You can kill everyone here but p-please not my daughter."

Wide eyes surrounded him and all the men left turned to him, their blood boiling with anger and betrayal. Yet Y/N just stood there, her heart sinking to the ground as she thought of the possibility of Bora killing Haru. She couldn't save Mr. Kang, and if she was the reason for Haru's death as well, she didn't know how she'd live with all that guilt.

Then the corner of her lip went up, and before they knew it, she started laughing. "Really? She's such a coward."

"I can w-work for you!" Mal Chin rushed to her, dropping to his knees at her feet. "I will tell you everything and I will-"

"Sunoo." It only took one single word for Mal Chin's lifeless body to drop to the ground, blood dripping out of his head. "He's so damn good, right?"

Everyone's eyes were wide open and filled with terror as Y/N smirked at them. "Life is such a bitch and you'll end up getting bit in the ass. Anyone who leaves this place will be just like Mal Chin." 

And so, Sunghoon, Y/N, and the guys walked out of the place, closing the huge door behind them. "What are we going to do with them?" Jay asked as he leaned on the wall behind him, looking at Sunoo who waved at them in a distance. 

"I will never kill a child, Jay. The bomb is here." She smiled a little, thoughts about Haru filling her mind. 

"You smart little shit." Heeseung gasped, a wide smile finding its way to his lips and Y/N shrugged, knowing very well that she was indeed a bad bitch.

But when she turned to Sunghoon, he was staring at her with eyes filled with both worry and amusement. "Why are you looking at me with those eyes?" 

"What eyes?" He asked, slowly brushing away a few strands of her hair and putting them behind her hair before his hand held her chin, making her face his gaze. "Are you okay?" 

"I think I lost my heart and my mind." She chuckled a little, leaning against his hand when it cups her cheek. "But knowing that you're by my side is comforting. I'm not scared of anything." 

"It's not time for romance!" Niki sighed in frustration and walked away to their car, making everyone follow after him, side-eying Sunghoon and Y/N while they just laughed. 

"You're not heartless, Y/N." When she was about to follow after them, Sunghoon held her hand and turned her to him. "You have so much love and you're such an amazing person. And I will always love you for being the strong woman you are, but let me in a little more, hm? Let me take some of your burdens."

His words sank in while she stared at him and nodded hesitantly. And when they drove away, the sound of the factory exploding made her close her eyes, as if to erase everything from her memory. 

The guys went to their rooms, each one doing their thing while Y/N stood on the balcony next to Sunghoon's room, thinking about Haru and Mr. Kang. And before she knew it, a jacket was put over her shoulders. 

"Are you planning on catching a cold?" His voice felt warmer than the jacket on her shoulders and for a moment, she just looked at him, her eyes filling up with unshed tears. "Y/N..."

"Should I just... die?" Her words made his heart drop and his jaw tightened, his gaze never leaving her. "Everything is just-"

"It's not your fault," Sunghoon muttered, making her tense. 

"I know." Her fist tightened and she looked away at the dark blue sky, trying not to let her tears escape. 

"No, Y/N," He shook his head and turned her to him, holding her chin to make her look at him. "It's really not your fault." 

"I..." Her voice cracked as she tried to hold back her emotions. "I just wish I could have been t-there... maybe things would have been different."

Sunghoon's eyes softened, and he pulled her into a tight embrace, letting her rest her head on his chest. "Please, don't blame yourself."

She buried her face in his chest, feeling the weight of her grief bear down on her. It was hard to let go of the guilt and the what-ifs, and the pain of losing Mr. Kang was too much to bear. Sunghoon held her as she wept, rubbing her back and kissing her forehead to let her know that he'd always be there with her. For her.

And that she was anything but heartless.

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