Chapter 2: Wei Wuxian Rage

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When Wei Wuxian arrive at the place that once belong to Wen Qing and Wen Ning stay, this place is in Yiling. Before leaving the Wen sibling, Wei Wuxian put talisman and other special talisman around the house.

"Lan zhan! Lan Zhan! Open your eye! I am begging you! Lan zhan!" Lan Wangji is doing his best to open his eye. "Lan Wangji! If you don't open your eye right now! I will never ever forgive you!" This make Lan Wangji open his eye.

"That is, keep them open," Wei Wuxian went to one of the room, he put Lan Wangji down on the bed. 'I need to pull the arrow out but I need something to stop his blood from coming out. Think Wei Wuxian think!'

Until he remembers how Wen Qing stop his bleeding, 'Wen Qing, you are the best doctor in the Wen clan!' "Lan zhan!" Lan Wangji opened his eye to look at Wei Wuxian. "I will said this once more. If you die on me, if you don't wake up after I come back! I will search for your spirit and torture you. Understand?!" Lan Wangji can only nodded his head.

"That's my Hanguang Jun," Wei Wuxian brush his hand against Lan Wangji cheek, "don't leave me okay? I understand now, you have always stand beside me." Wei Wuxian got up to leave, he went to search for all of the medicine that Wen Qing have left behind.

'I have study all of Wen Qing medicine. I did it while searching for a way to transfer my core to Jiang Wanyin.' Wei Wuxian found what he is looking for, 'a powder medicine and a water medicine.' "I have a way," Wei Wuxian take all that he needed.

He went to get a bucket full of water and take them back into the room where Lan Wangji is at. Wei Wuxian look over at the bed, he see that Lan Wangji is still breathing.
'I need to do this fast,' Wei Wuxian used his resentment energy to make a bubble or a tube like, he put the water inside it. (Let's make it up okay)

It fill half way, since he need to put Lan Wangji inside of it. "Lan zhan, I need to pull out the arrow. I know it will hurt, bare with me okay?" Lan Wangji nodded his head again. Wei Wuxian take out a white clothes, he pour the white powder on it. He pull out the arrow, then he covered the injury with the powder on the white clothes.

Lan Wangji hiss at the powder when it touched his injury.

"Lan zhan, I will put you into a deep sleep until your injury is heal. Once is all heal, then I will wake you up."

"Wei...Ying....A...Yuan." Wei Wuxian eye went wide, "A-Yuan?! What about him?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"" Wei Wuxian sigh with relief, 'he in cloud Recesse, the Lan clan won't do anything to him.' "I will put you to sleep now," Lan Wangji nodded his head.

Wei Wuxian used his resentment energy to put Lan Wangji to sleep. Once Lan Wangji is asleep Wei Wuxian take off Lan Wangji outer clothes leaving his inner clothes on. He then carried Lan Wangji toward the bubble/tube that is made out of resentment energy.

He put Lan Wangji inside the bubble/tube, when Lan Wangji is inside Wei Wuxian pour in the bucket of water with medicine in it. He then put in the rest of the powder healing medicine, last but not least, Wei Wuxian covered up the whole bubble.

"Sleep well Lan zhan." 'Now it is time for me to take care of those unrighteousness sect and their leader.'

Before Wei Wuxian disappear from there he call out, "Suibian!" Suibian flew from the burial mound to where Wei Wuxian is at. "Suibian, Bichen, I want you two to look after Lan zhan, okay?" The two sword glow their color, this letting Wei Wuxian know that they understand Wei Wuxian assignment.

Wei Wuxian appear back on the top of NeverNight roof, "Jin Guangyao! Jin Guangshan! I will capture the two of you first!" Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan try to run away from the resentment energy hand. They couldn't run far until they were captured.

"Wei Wuxian! You let me go this instant!" Shouted an angry Jin Guangshan. "Let you go?! Let you go?! You cause one of the clan disciple to shoot there arrow at me! If this didn't happen then LAN WANGJI WOULDN'T JUMP IN AND SAVE ME!" Wei Wuxian is angry, he is in rage, he want to kill them all.

The whole field have more dark energy now, all they see is Wei Wuxian red eye piercing the dark mist. "I will not let any of you slander me anymore. You all don't even know what happen at the Qiongqi path, you don't even know what happen at Jinlintai. Well, I will let you all see what actually happen."

Wei Wuxian eye landed on Lan Xichen, "Zewu Jun, i will give you a choice. Either leave from here or be kill by my resentment energy? If you leave from here, I will take you to where Lan Zhan is at. What is your choice?"

Lan Xichen think about his decision, he also think about what Wei Wuxian said earlier about him been ambush and who was it that the Jin try to ambush. He look at Jin Guangyao who is been held by Wei Wuxian resentment energy, 'why did he captured A-Yao? Is he in this as well...trying to blame Wei Wuxian for what happen at the Qiongqi path?'

He look up at Wei Wuxian through the dark mist, he turn around to look at his disciple, "Let's go, we are leaving." Other sect leader is shock to see Lan Xichen left the battle field.

Wei Wuxian eye went to the clan that just shot their arrow at Lan Wangji. "You!" Wei Wuxian pointed at that clan. "I will not let you live. Why don't you just die?!" Wei Wuxian covered up that clan with the resentment energy. He fisted his hand, everyone inside of that resentment energy field is been kill.

The other can feel a shiver running up and down their spine, when they hear that clan disciple and their sect leader screaming from inside of the dark field. The scream die down, the big circle disappear, and so did the people inside of it.

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