Chapter 2

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Peter sat in his chair in his office, looking over and signing papers for some of his latest experiments and inventions when Anna Maria Marconi entered the room.

"Peter? You've been in your office for a while, everything ok?" Anna asked seeing Peter knee deep in paperwork for once.

"Hmm... oh yeah. I'm fine. Just looking over some of these documents for oversight." Peter replied looking up from the papers.

"If you say so. Why not take a break? You've been putting in overtime since you... came back." She said referencing his body swap with Octavius.

"I know. I just... wanna make some changes... make things better." He answered slightly sad.

"Take five and... catch a breather. No point working yourself to the grave." She suggested to which he grumbly accepted.

Anna left him after accepting his unenthusiastic response for a break, she didn't know what he was going to do but as long as he wasn't working she was fine with it.

Peter relaxed in his seat and released a deep sigh thinking on what he could do to take his mind away from work.

'Maybe a swing around the city could do me some good?' He thought, thinking of all the times he would be relaxed when web swinging.

He shot down the idea soon after as he was sure to get involved in some supervillain activity and he'd need to deal with it. Or worse yet... he would get caught by the Avengers and he'd need to deal with their 'sympathies' and 'apologise'.

'Huh. What to do?' He contemplated his options further.

Peter was brought out of his thoughts when he got a phone call from his aunt May. He patched things up with her but he hasn't spoken with her since then, unfortunately she didn't completely believe his 'stressing new job and position changed his attitude' excuse and outright told him she knew he was hiding something from her.

He hated having to lie to his dear aunt for so long but he did it so she wouldn't worry about him and have a detriment effect on her health when she saw the news of Spider-Man fighting some supervillain.

So... with bated breath he told her everything. The spider bite, uncle Ben, Ottos mind swap, everything. He felt awful when she started shedding tears, she asked him to leave so she could be alone. He prayed... to whichever God heard him... that she's forgive him, or at the very least... wasn't disappointed with him.

He reached for his phone and answered the call, waiting for the earful he was about to receive from his enraged aunt who could take down any of his villains with a stern talking to.

Only to find her sounding... normal?

"Peter... can you stop by... I think we need to talk." She said in a neutral tone, yet in a way that worried him severely.

"Sure thing May. I was just about to go on break, so I can come by now if you'd like?" He responded.

"That would be great honey. See you soon." May said still in her neutral tone.

"See you soon." He said before the line disconnected.

Pressing a button on his intercom he notified Anna that he was leaving to visit his aunt so he was going to be out of office for a while. She gladly accepted that and promised to look over some of those papers while he's gone just to lessen his load.

He considered using his suit to web sling there but, his earlier worries of getting caught up by something else came back and he decided to take the less scenic route.

One hour later

Peter arrived outside his old home in Forest Hills, his anxiety level was through the roof, the anticipation of what was coming was eating away at him. He may not be a child anymore but he could not take a scolding from his aunt.

So with a deep breath he wallows onward and entered his old home filled with good times and happy memories.

"May? It's me... Peter. You wanted to talk?" He called out.

He nose was hit with a very familiar scent, something he hadn't smelt in a long time now. 'Wheat cakes?'

"Peter, I'm in the kitchen. You're just in time too." May answered from the back of the house.

Peter continued into the kitchen where his aunt May was sat at the table with a plate full of his favourite wheat cakes set out and ready for him.

"Sit down Peter." She said, a seriousness evident in her voice.

Peter audibly gulped when May spoke with that kind of tone, he knew he was in for it now. He took out a seat and promptly sat down with his body language all but exhibiting utter defeat.

"Peter... are you alright?" May asked concerned.

"Yea." He said unconvincingly.

"You don't sound like it." She said worryingly.

"Are... are you mad at me? For keeping everything from you?" He blurted out, not wanting to wait in anticipation any more.

"Hmm. I can't say that I'm happy that you kept such a secret from me all this time Peter." She began.

"But I understand why you did." She said causing Peter to perk up slightly. "Please understand Peter that I will always worry about you, Spider-Man or not, I raised you since you were just a little boy. So I'll always worry Peter." She said getting teary eyed.

"I just... didn't want you to worry about me any more than you have to. I didn't want you to turn in the news and see some supervillain knocking me around." He said calmly while gently putting his hand atop hers.

"But I can't just sit back and watch when I can do something about it. Like uncle Ben used to say... with great power-".

"Comes great responsibility. I know that dear. And I also know Ben would be proud of what you've accomplished and the man that you've become. Just as I am." She finished.

Peter got up from his seat and went to hug his aunt, something she was all too happy to reciprocate with her nephew.

"Thanks aunt May." He thanked her deeply.

"And Peter... Ben would never blame you for what happened that night... and I don't either."

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