[ chapter seven: contenders ]

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Chapter 7: Contenders

Friday, 9/25/15

Dear Diary,

I'm still trying to get over Aaron. It strikes me as odd that Phoenix hasn't made fun of me about him yet. I mean, obviously he's made a few comments but he hasn't made any about how Aaron flat out rejected me with no remorse whatsoever. I guess he hasn't realized it yet. I guess I'm not surprised, now. He doesn't always catch on fast. Idiot...

On a lighter note, I'm helping Alice out. I've joined homecoming committee. I'm still not going to go to homecoming, though Phoenix has taken it upon himself to find me a date. I only joined because Alice is interested in the girl running the committee and I'm secretly a hopeless romantic. And, though I want to quit the committee because of Phoenix's unwanted presence, I've decided to stick it out. Besides, homecoming is the 6th of November, which is only a little more than a month away.

In other words, Avery's compiled a list of colleges in which she intends to get applications for. I managed to steal the list from her, claiming that I want to look it over to make sure that they had good academic programs as well as sports programs, but in all honesty, I just wanted to see how far the schools were. And to my surprise, they were all out of state. I guess, in a way, it made me sad to see that she had no intentions of staying in state for school. I know it shouldn't have surprised me because she's been talking about leaving ever since she entered high school, but I never thought she'd actually do it. I know she can make it on her own, but I'm scared for her. I don't really want her to leave. I'm going to miss her. Who can I talk to about boys? And who can I rant to about Phoenix without them assuming that I like him?

Avery told me that my junior year would be the hardest, and so far, it has proven to be true. Though we've barely made any progress into the school year; we're barely a month in, I still have a heavier work load than I've had in both my sophomore year and freshman year combined. Good thing I'm not in any AP classes or else I'd probably have no time to even write this.

Unfortunately, I have to cut this short because my mother's calling me for dinner and Phoenix is here. Knowing him, he'd probably slip into my room and read these entries if I leave my diary out on my bed for my later return.

I'll write again soon,


+ + +

"Tall guys? Average height guys? Short guys?" Phoenix inquired as he sat beside me. I turned to look at him as I basically ripped my hands through my hair. I thought I'd seen the last of Phoenix last night. He had gone home at around ten but returned 12 hours later.

"It doesn't matter," I told him bluntly before turning back to the television. I was watching a movie when my brother's best friend barged in, taking me by surprise. After telling him that Leo was at work, he shrugged and plopped down on the couch beside me, pulling a notebook out of his bag. I only glanced at him before going back to my film. I was able to watch it for two seconds before the questions began rolling off Phoenix's tongue.

"Any hair color preference?" he asked as he scribbled my previous answer down.

"No," I answered curtly.

"Facial hair?" he continued and I immediately turned to look at him.

"Phoenix, I'm trying to watch a movie," I snapped.

"Yeah, and I'm trying to find you a date to homecoming," he responded. "You think you'd be a bit more considerate seeing as I'm doing you a favor."

I sighed, running my hands down my face. "Okay, look, Phoenix, I don't care what he looks like, alright? I just want a guy that's funny, smart, and can hold a conversation."

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