Chapter 6;

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My whole body froze with fear.


After hearing all about the Lakota tribe stories, and the massacre of the all those witches, it was fair to say i was a little scared.

I mean what were they doing in town? and why were they so close?

Sam looked at jacob. 'how many miles away?'

jake sniffed the air again, looking around the room. 'about 10'

Sam nodded. 'the cullens?'

Brady shook his head. 'no, it's not their scent'

Sam nodded again, addressing the group. 'meet me in the forest in 10 minutes, and we'll go see what they're in town for'

the guys nodded, one by one following sam and jogging into the woods.

Jake turned to me. 'i want you stay in the house with my dad, em and harry. Lock all the windows and shut all the doors'

even though i was confused, i could tell by the tone in his voice that this was a serious and dangerous matter.

i nodded taking in the information.

he continued. 'i'll be back in 20 minutes, 30 minutes tops'

i smiled weakly. 'be careful'

he smiled back bravely. 'you dont have to worry, this isnt the first time the pack has delt with vampires'

i nodded, his words reassuring me a little bit.

i kissed him passionately, trying to portray all the love i felt for him through a simple embrace.

i blushed. 'i love you'

he grinned wide, pecking my nose. 'i love you 2. Stay safe'

i nodded, and with that he jogged off in the direction of sam, throwing off his shirt and wandering off into the woods.

Me, Emily and Bill sat on the sofa together, the television on as background noise, all huddled up under a blanket.

My mind was going frantic, it was like my whole body was buzzing.

I stood up and started pacing the room. 'i dunno what's wrong with me, it's like my body wont stay still'

Billy chuckled. 'its the magic in your blood, it's sensing the vampires power'

Em turned to the 2 of us. 'that means they're close'

i felt my body freeze, as i swallowed hard.

Harry and sue came downstairs; harrys face stone hard. 'the packs are back, and they have company'

Billy nodded, taking my hand as we all made our way onto the field.

We walked about halfway and then stopped, as the packs (now in their human forms) emerged from the woods with 3 people i'd never seen before.

From the deep red eyes and pale white skin it wasnt hard to figure out that they were the vampires.

The main one, wearing a long red cape, had jet black hair, and a eary smile on his face.

He was the one who made me the most uncomfortable.

The closer they got, the harder i squeezed billys hand. He rubbed it soothingly, trying to comfort me, but it wasnt working.

My body was tingling like crazy; i didnt know if I was gonna scream or explode.

As soon as he was close enough, jacob jogged over to me and kissed my forehead, before turning around and slightly blocking my body from the cold ones.

Billy rolled forward, and looked up at the main one.
'Aro, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit'

Aro's sickly smile got wider. 'the Volturi have been informed that you have a witch in your presence'

My body instantly tensed up.

Billy showed no fear. 'We do indeed, she's a part of the family. But what does that have to do with you, Caius, Marcus and the rest of the Volturi?'

Aro clapped his hands together. 'it's been decades since a witch has set foot on earth, we're mearly here to witness the miracle ourselves'

Billy nodded slowly.

Aro's eyes lit up. 'so where is the young witch?'

Bill turned to me, and nodded encouragingly.

I took a deep breath and stepped forward in-front of everyone, jakes grip still tight on my left hand.

Aro had a big grin on his face. 'and what a beautiful young witch she is'

i looked to the floor, trying to avoid his daunting eye contact.

Aro took off one of his leather gloves off and held out the palm of his hand. 'may i?'

i furrowed my eyebrows at bill as to what he meant; billy nodded towards me asif to do as i was told.

I tried to release my hand from jakes grip, but the serious look on his face told me he wasn't letting go.

Sam saw this and spoke up. 'Jake'

Jake sighed reluctantly and slowly let go of my hand.

I turned back to Aro, and placed my palm on top of his.

He cupped my hand and stared off into the distance, the toothy grin on his face getting bigger with every second that passed.

I looked at bill, wanting some answers.

Billy nodded. 'Aro can see peoples thoughts and truths, he's looking into your magic'

i nodded, more nerves setting into my body.

Aro then blinked and returned his eye contact back to me. 'amazing. I can see the magic coursing through your veins'

As soon as he let go of my hand i was pulled back by jake, his hands firmly gripped onto my waist from behind.

I sighed a sigh of relief; his arms made me feel safe.

Aro sighed sorrowfully. 'it's a shame all that power is going to go too waste'

Billy rolled forward. 'what do you mean?'

Aro smiled wide, clapping his hands together. 'Billy, you know the treaty just as well as i do. Any witch of any kind, is no-ones property until a fair battle has been played out'

Billy sighed, a knowing look on his face. 'a fair battle indeed, so who is to say you'll win?'

Aro nodded. 'true, very true' he looked at the rest of the pack and then back to billy. 'you have 2 weeks.. and then the fight will begin. Winner gets the witch. You know the rules'

Jake lashed forward at Aro, but was luckily held back by paul and brady. He was literally shaking with anger; hard eyes and clenched teeth.

Aro looked at jake and then back to billy. 'and while you're at it, you might want to keep that one on a leash'

and with that the 3 vampires ran off at the speed of lightning, leaving a dust trail behind them.

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