Khalifa's eye narrowed as he stared at the message from an anonymous contact. He deeply wonder who wants to meet him. He already has enough on his plate, he doesn't need more. His instincts' already telling him who it might be.

He huffed out a breath and tossed his phone away which landed on the bed near Sakeena's sleeping figure. He rubbed his forehead while weighing his chances of going or not to go. In the end, the made a final decision that maybe this meeting might unravel some answers to the questions they have.

The time read 15:25 on the wall clock so he might as well step out for a bit, pray and go to the meeting. If only he knew how complicated and twisted things are about to get, he wouldn't even set a foot out of the house.

As he jogged down the stairs, he heard shuffling and sounds of footsteps coming from the kitchen belonging to his sister in law. He doesn't have the energy to answer her endless strings of questions so he tip toed out of the house like a guilty thief, not before snatching the car keys he found laying idly on the console on his way out.

After offering Asr prayer in a mosque nearby and driving around for a while, he parked in the allocated parking area of the polo club and walked straight into the lounge. He sat at an empty and private area waiting for whoever called him to show up.

"I never thought that you'll make it." A sultry feminine voice said from opposite him. He raised his head and made eye contact with the main source of all their problems. Her appearance made everything to flip upside down at once.

Khalifa's eye trailed up and down her body. She's waiting a beige pleated top and cargo pants, her head covered with a vintage scarf and raybans shielding her eyes. She placed the beige coloured Dior handbag on the table and took a seat. Her aura oozes chaos and calamity, something that didn't sit right with Khalifa. This meeting definitely won't end well.

"Still trying hard to process that I am well and alive I see. The faster you accept the fact the easier it'll be on all of you." She crossed her legs and leaned back on the chair.

"What did you call me here for?" Khalifa's gruff voice came.

"I don't remember you to be this stoic." She dramatically placed her hands on her chest. Khalifa's face morphed into a deep frown.

"Get to the point or you won't remember me at all." He threatened but it didn't work on Haaya at all.

"Threatening me won't ever work, not when I have something juicy for you. Keep your threats to yourself and also, before we dive into the main part of this "reunion" why don't we catch up a bit." She stared at him through the raybans. His frown deepened even more.

"Tell me whatever you have or I leave because I'm not gonna do this shit with you." His deep voice came making her core tingle. He doesn't know the kind of effects he has on her even though she knows how much his entire family and himself don't appreciate her presence one bit. But she's not gonna let her heart betray her that easily, she's going to carry out her plans in accordance because she has been through countless shit all through her life, it's time to give them a taste of it also, especially Sakeena who thinks she has the perfect little life.

"If you leave it is your lose Khalifa. All of my sources of information are legit and true so I think it's best if you actually do this shit with me." She repeated his words purposely to irk him out.

Khalifa's blood is starting to boil at this point but he knows better than to lose his calm at the moment. "What do you want?" He asked.

Haaya shrugged. "Nothing much."

"If it's money you want you'll get. We'll compensate you for the past life that you had which didn't turn out in your favour." Khalifa offered.

Haaya frowned at his words. "Mind you, I am no gold digger. I do not want your money."

"What do you want then?" He asked again.

"Divorce Sakeena." She dropped the bomb making Khalifa let out a scoff.

He let out an exasperated breath. "You're not serious."

"Hell yeah I am. I've got all my reasons for saying so. Your parents never told you the exact reason for getting you and Sakeena married." She paused, he didn't answer so she continued. "Sakeena is the root cause of all that is happening. You may deny it but there's no other truth other than that."

"This truth that you're speaking of, tell me more about it." Khalifa voiced. Haaya laughed victoriously internally. She never thought that Khalifa is willing to listen to her, especially when she brought Sakeena's name in.

She elaborated all that she found about after some deep digging. Khalifa kept a neutral unreadable expression but his heart is racing on the inside. Haaya is finally shedding on all that is happening.

"-Sakeena is in grave danger. You're family is being attacked because of her and if you think about it, she is also a danger to all of you. You may deny it all you want Khalifa but believe it or not, this is nothing but the truth. You have to stay away from her because her life is on the line here. If losing me will do so much damage to you then I wonder what losing Sakeena will feel like." Khalifa still didn't respond to her. Haaya's words are still trying to register in his head.

She continued. "She is the next target here, delaying separating from her further will cause great damage here and if you don't believe me-" she opened her handbag and brought out a brown envelope then passed it to Khalifa. "-look into this carefully, you'll realise it all." Khalifa didn't reply her but this flick his eye from her face to the envelope on the table.

He felt suffocated and claustrophobic. He snatched the envelope into his tight grip and walked out of the lounge in fast strides without looking back.

Haaya leaned back with a satisfied smirk on her lips. She mixed the iced coke she ordered with the straw before taking a sip. Her plan worked perfectly according to plan. All she told him was the truth. There may be a much nicer way to break it to him but it had to be done this was and by her. She got the exact reaction she needed, she'll just sit back and watch as it plays out from here.

A masculine figure watched them from a corner in the lounge. His face is set into a deep frown at the sight of the two together. He has been watching them since Khalifa came into the lounge. He didn't mean to pry but what exactly is Khalifa talking about with this lady? He has heard their conversation from the beginning to the very end. What does his sister has to do with all this and why is this lady forcing Khalifa to divorce his sister?

He doesn't want to come to a conclusion by himself till he hears the story from Khalifa's side. Of course he feels sympathy for whatever his family is going through but bringing his sister into the mere middle of it all, he's not going to allow her to suffer the consequences alone.

He doesn't want to believe all that he heard but he needs to get his answers as well.


Short chapter but, it's still an update nonetheless.

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