"All we can do is pray that it wasn't you"

"I don't know wolf, maybe the city should do a man hunt for the killer before someone else is next"

"So what You're saying is, we should have you home school" snake says as he smiled.

"Oh no, just because there is a killer that's not going to stop me from having an education"

"That's my girl, seeing the bright side"

But she still seems a bit worried, "but still wolf, I'm worried, what if the killer gets me next, I'm a bit scared"

"Dorm worry, I promise I won't let that killer lay one hand on you or harm one fur on your head" he brushes her fur back.

"I promise everything will be fine"

But just then....the tv turned on, "Tiffany fluffit, tragedy struck today at the local theater as
The two teenagers were murder... last night during a movie event of an old classic stab"

"What?" Princess gasped as the others looked shocked.

"Police haven't released any information except for the victims' names, but a press conference is scheduled for later today....The victims, alice and angel Evans were both high school students"

"What" princess was no more horrified, "angel, Alice" she covered her mouth and was trembling.

"Well that's just great...another funeral we have to go to" webs groaned while everyone just looked horrified.

Later that night a teenage girl with blonde hair in a ponytail with pink eyes, she wore a white dress.

She was stuck in traffic, she was heading home, her name: Stephanie chapmen, a famous blogger and a good friend to princess.

"Yes mom, I know I'm heading home right now, I know I know but don't worry I'll be home sooner then you think, I know about the killer....will you relax, I'll be fine, I know I have to watch Mary tonight I'll be ho sooner then you think....don't worry we'll have a great time...."

Just then she gets an unknown caller, "hang on mom I got another call...hello"

And on that call was the voice of the same caller that called Cassandra.


"Uh...who's this"

"Who's this?"

"Who are you calling?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I have the wrong number"

"That's ok"

"Wait a minute, your voice sounds familiar, your that blogger, Stephanie right?"

"Hehe, the one and only" Stephanie flips her hair as she was flattered.

"I think you have a very lovely voice"

"Well, thank you"

"I can't believe I'm talking to a blogger"

"Yeah, listen i have to go I have to head home and I don't wanna get pulled over by the police"

"Aw can't we stay a little longer, I'm such a huge fan"

"Oh really, well why Don't you tell me who you are?"

"Ohh, your a cheeky one aren't you"

"Well I am loved by all"

"Yeah especially with princess"

The voice seems to have changed tones. And Stephanie gets worried.

"How do you know about princess?"

"I know everything about you, the funeral you went too, and that your baby sister Mary Jane is all alone"

THE BAD GUYS IN: screamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ