Skylar Cassidy and the Lost Prince: chapter 3

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I almost tripped over my own two feet as I hobbled toward what could possibly be my best friend.

I bitterly and frantically shook her. Someplace deep inside me things stirred. Uncertainty swept over me.

Did I want Maya to be the sleeping girl? Did I want her to be entrapped here with me? Did I need her ever loving reassurance that everything would be okay? I started blubbering then, when the curtain of hair fell away from her face, and my suspicions were confirmed.

I sobbed on her arm when I realized I didn't want her to be the sleeping girl. I wanted a friend, but I didn't know where I was, didn't know if I would ever get out. If I had had a choice, would I have chosen for Maya to share this...Nightmare?

Maybe I'm mad. Maybe I hit my head on the bathroom door and lost blood so rapidly that I didn't even notice that I was dying. Maybe I treaded on strange moss and it's causing hallucinations, I tried to place everything out, throwing the one after the other potential explanation for me being here, around in my head.

But when I peeped up from Maya's clammy, tear-soaked arm, I grasped that this was all true. Sure delusions could be very detailed and factual... But Captivity was just too genuine.

It was purposeless to try and figure out this mess. My brain just whined and my eyes felt raw already. And then something struck me. What if Maya was the one who brought me to this box?

What if she was the captor?!

I didn't even know that I was debating with myself when Lucas' firm, robust hands grasped my forearms and assured me that it would be fine. Lucas, I mean- not the hands, although I felt so dreadful that he might as well had chattering hands.

I felt woozy and nauseous and miles away from my own body. I've always been an averagely healthy person, but at that point I felt like a downright drunkard.

Lucas escorted me to my bed, as effortlessly as If I was a feather, and as soon as he released me, my unconstrained body collapsed into a little heap. Winter was unexpectedly beside me, and I heard her whispering in my ear, though I did not catch every word distinctly.

She said something about it going to be okay, as Lucas did previously, and then I missed the entire following part. She insistently recommended to Lucas and Augustine that we all have a lie-down, and afterwards she shifted my heavy-feeling limbs into a more comfy manner.

Winter faded from my view, and everything withered into gray.

I needed to scream and swear and just slaughter something, anything, to bits. But my body wouldn't let me, and that made the situation somewhat more terrible. I wanted to stand up and demand... A thing I could not even pinpoint. My body trembled violently as I wept on, my breath racing in my scorching throat. I've never, in my whole life, felt so... Powerless? Clueless? Bewildered?

After a while the room was quiet, except for my shrill hyperventilating, but I managed to compose myself minutes later. I still couldn't sleep though. It wasn't just whatever was happening, it was the sense of somebody watching me.

I focused all my strength into opening my eyes and scanning the room.

Augustine's bed was on the left to mine, and my eyes went directly to hers. Her lids fluttered, as if she was pretending to be asleep. Her lip's corners were tightly turned into a delicate smile, and when I became aware of how stiff her arm-muscles were snuggled against her chest, I knew that she was wide-awake.

I lay for some time, just examining her. In the end her muscles relaxed, and her lips went limp. I followed her example, and fell sleep.

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Heyhey!! I know it's not the most exciting chapter, but this story is about to get way more interesting!! And I really hope yoyu guys vote since I put a lot of effort and time and editing into this chapter hahaha!! And sorry about the length... The next chapters will be longer!!

PLEASE remember to comment (I♥feedback) and fan!! :P Hehe


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