imma lay em' down pt.2

Start from the beginning


Cristiano paced around the locker room, as his team mates stares at him out of worry. He seemed to be so out of character and tensed since the past few months after being bailed out of jail, which was too obvious during training.

Gareth blocked Cristiano's way, making him groan. Gareth sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder, while Cristiano looked at anything but Gareth. He couldn't face them anymore as confidently, and everyone knew why. That embarassed him more, and lowered his self-esteem.

- "Man, it was just a mistake alright? Chill out."

- "Chill out? You're asking me to chill out, Gareth?"

- "Look Cris, you're tensing out for nothing okay? You did that to him, and it was just a one time thing. Not like you're doing it again! And moreover, he probably learned his lesson not to talk to Real Madrid players so highly. He's a twat anyways."

- "...did you just mean that raping a person is completely okay and so I shouldn't express my fault? That I'm in the wrong?" Cristiano asked in slight disbelief, which Gareth mistook for something else.

- "Exactly,"

- " insulted him?"

- "Don't tell me you-" Cristiano shoved him up against the lockers, as everyone rushed to them, Cristiano shoving everyone away. Gareth gasped as his eyes widened from the sudden agressive act. It couldn't have been from Gareth's statement.

- "I don't want to hear you spitting bullshit about him again, is that clear?" Gareth could only stay silent as Cristiano pulled away, shifting his gaze to the rest of the team, as they also stood in disbelief.

- "I hope it's clear to you all too." Cristiano spat bitterly, grabbing his things and leaving, slamming the door shut.

- "Why did he do that to me for his rival??"

- "Well, Why not?" A voice arose from the others. Gareth cocked a brow as Marcelo smiled and chuckled, leaning against the wall, nodding his head from side to side.

- "You fools, wasn't it obvious that Cristiano was always infatuated in love? Was all about Messi? Or else as much of a person he is, with such ego and confidence, he wouldn't go quiet in the past month, if not for Messi. Whatever, just don't ignite the fire in him. Let him catch up with Messi. Just mind your own damn bussiness if you don't want to get yourself fucked." Marcelo stated, leaving for the showers. Everyone exchanged glances, the room beginning to pollute with silent voices.

Cristiano knew that there was a fuss going on in the locker rooms, walking to his car in the basement. But that didn't set him back from thinking about Messi. He couldn't bear the fact that he had ruined his chances with Messi.

As he sighed and pulled his car keys out of his pocket thinking of the all the rumours that are going around about him, he felt a pair of eyes looking at him. Shifting his gaze, to only find Messi standing a few feet away from him, staring silently. Cristiano backed away slightly from fright.

- "W-What?"

- "What? can I not be here?"

- "B-But this is Real Madrid's training grounds.."

- "So? I think I remember you visiting Barca's dorm, exactly 10 months back."  Messi's words shot him right in the heart. It pained him to hear that from Messi but he knew he deserved it, and could not question Messi back. He had to take it like a man and pay for the price.

Cristiano tried getting into his car without keeping eye contact but Messi shoved the taller Portugese against the wall, his hot breathe hitting the crook of Cristiano's neck. It sent shivers down his spine. He felt like being held hostage.

- "Why..Why did it have to be m-me.." Messi's grip grew weak, as he collapsed to the floor, sobbing silently. It seemed like he couldn't get out of the phase of this. Nothing felt convincing enough to make him believe that this is a part of life and he has to move on. It could've been alot more worse, if it wouldn't have been Cristiano. But that couldn't change the face of the situation or make it sound any less horrendous.

- "W-Why is it always me.."

- "Leo..Please..just, I'm sorry okay? I didn't know what I was doing, I was out of my fucking mind okay? I know, I know I'm an asshole but please, just please stop haunting me like that already have my mind polluted with your contagious smile and cute laugh.. everything about you just makes me go insane..I know this can't be a valid excuse for what I did but just so you know Leo, I love you..okay? i'm sorry.." Cristiano's voice trailed off as Messi began to cry harder.

Messi didn't know what to say, because Messi is such a loner and isn't the best at returning feelings. As much as he used to and still has a slight liking towards Cristiano, he can't express it. And the forceful act from Cristiano has made it even harder for him to do so.

Messi squeezes his eyes shut, sure that Cristiano had left by now. But by the next second, he feels warmth engulfing his small frame, the shuffling of Cristiano's windbreaker against his head coming clear.

Messi's cries start to fade, as he wipes his face and sits silently, huddled up against Cristiano's chest by his car. It felt wrong to feel cozy and safe in the embrace of the very same man who had snatched his virginity away from is hands. But again, Messi wouldn't allow anyone else either than him to really take his virginity. So either way, it boiled down to one thing: He belonged to Cristiano.

Messi turned himself to face Cristiano, starting to throw punches at him, crying again, as Cristiano blocked them and hugged him tightly.

- "Leo..I told you I'm sorry..come on now,"

- "I-I hate you.."

- "I love you too,"

Messi silently wrapped his hands round Cristiano's torso, barely being able to cover up. But it didn't matter. As long as Cristiano would be by his side as a faithful man, Messi wouldn't complain.

- "I still hate you.." Messi mumbled against Cristiano's shoulder. He smiled and chuckled, ruffling his hair.

- "I don't mind, as long as it's you."



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