"So, are you going there tomorrow or what?"

"I have no choice but to go,"

"They're good people you won't regret."

"Hmm, but we don't know about the rest of the people that'll be attending."

"Tsk Tsk as if they don't know you. Do you think they'll approach you out of their own will?"

"Ok leave now, Luka. You've stayed enough. "

"But I just came 3 hours ago." He muttered.

Xavier took a hold of his arm and dragged him to the door.

"Good night, best friend," Luka slurred.

Xavier being the kind person he was, shut the door on his face with a slam.


The Laurents mansion was bustling with people. The top notch decoration and the exotic aroma of the various delicacies can be smelt from far away.

All the six siblings were sitting and chatting happily with their parents, wishing them and asking what they planned for their outing.

The staff members were coming and going to check the arrangements and Ailee was already feeling like running away. She can't even imagine what it would be like to be surrounded by so many people and having to interact with them.

She knew she would have to deal with a great number of people because she had not been to many gatherings with her family before and everyone was really curious to meet her.

She was afraid she would embarrass herself and her parents because she can hardly speak to anyone that is not her immediate family.

Evening came by faster than she anticipated and now it was the moment she was dreading for a while now.

She was dressed beautifully in a rose gold off-shoulder ball gown. It was very sparkly and the patterns on the fabric had her in complete awe. She was wearing a delicate gold chain with a rose shaped pendant that had diamonds in it paired with matching earrings and beige heels.

She looked ethereal. Though all her siblings were gifted in the looks department she was a little more blessed.

Her face draped with innocence is what anyone who sees her falls for. She has fair complexion with dark, long and healthy hair that reaches below her waist and she stands at a cute height of 5 '6 feet.

She walked to her third elder sister, Gigi's room and knocked since she knew everyone would be gathered there as she is a fashion designer. So everyone wanted her opinion on what they wear on special occasions.

Soon enough the door was opened by Mila and she ushered her inside. There as she expected were all her siblings including her brother.

Gigi came and hugged her first. "Oh My God!"
"You look beautiful!"
"You look amazing!"
"I'm gonna cryyyy!"
"Awwwwwwww, babyyyy!"

She was showered with so many compliments that her face turned red. She hid her face in the chest of her brother when they all cooed at her.

"Seriously this is not fair, Lily. Who gave you the right to look this pretty?"

She shyly thanked them all and they all continued finishing up their looks.

After an hour, she was panicking at the top of the stairs. Her siblings held her hands and kept assuring her that it'll be alright. But Ailee just wanted to run back to the safety of her room.

After lots of convincing and reassuring they all went down and out in the garden.

Everyone was awestruck at the sight of the famous six siblings. Ailee immediately went to her father who held her in his comforting embrace.

Soon they were greeted by numerous clients and business partners and Ailee's condition kept worsening. She'd just awkwardly smile and shake hands with people not even speaking except for a quiet hello. The looks she was receiving from the young males wasn't helping either so after half an hour she excused herself and went back inside.


"Sir, we are here," Xavier's driver informed him of their arrival.

He was dressed in a black Armani suit  and shiny black Chelsea boots with a Rolex watch sitting on his wrist.

Xavier got out and was directed inside by the guards.

As soon as he reached their garden he was greeted by the older Laurent.

"Mr Romano, I'm glad you could take out the time to join us on our special day."

He just nodded and handed over a bouquet of flowers to Mr Laurent while his guards put down a few gift bags on the table for Mr Laurent.

"Thank you for these, Mr Romano but there was really no need for it. Here let me introduce you to my family." Mr Laurent led him to a group of a few people who resembled him- clearly his family. They were chatting and gushing about the dress of the older woman.
"My wife, Juliana. My eldest daughter, Mila, then Emma, Alex as you already know him, Gigi, Iris and my youngest daughter isn't here right now.  Her name's Ailee and she's not much of a people's person."

Xavier shook hands with everyone and nodded.

As for other people in the gathering, they all made sure they were at least twenty steps away from him at all times. Can't take the risk of angering a person like him unintentionally.

He looked around and went to the furthest corner to have his drink as it was the quietest place available.

After fifteen minutes he was standing and looking far away in the distance when his eyes caught the sight of a girl in a gown balancing a book, tray of food and a candy bag it seemed, in her hands going towards a lodge right across where he was at.

He was wondering what she was doing there when she's clearly dressed for a party.

He couldn't see her face but he could tell she was beautiful.

After observing her a little more and when she finally went inside, struggling so much to open the door, he turned around to go back. He stayed here long enough as it was and didn't want to be here anymore.


He finally got a glimpse of her. Yayyy!!

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