Ending v.1 - BAD ENDING

Start from the beginning

But now, he cried for a single person. Hell he didn't even cry when he broke up with Jeonghan, but now he was crying because of Wonwoo.

"What's this? Am I crying? No, I'm not." Mingyu shook his head, he wiped the tears which still flowing down on his cheeks. But as he wiped and wiped it, more tears were flowing down. "Damn it, stop crying, Kim Mingyu. You're so embarassing."

"You indeed are."

Mingyu looked up when he heard a voice in front of him. Although it's not the person he's expecting for.

It was Hong Joshua.

"Why are you here?"

"Surprise." Joshua scoffed with a mocking grin and he rolled his eyes. "Did you seriously expecting Wonwoo to come here and forgive you so easily? In your dream. He's not coming."

"I don't believe you. He will come, I'm sure of it."

Joshua sighed and take out his phone from his pocket, press something and then handed it to Mingyu. Mingyu just stared at the device with confusion. "I hope this is enough to believe me."


Mingyu's eyes widen at the voice coming out from Joshua's phone. Mingyu thought it was a phone call from Wonwoo and quickly snatched the device from Joshua's hand, only to realize it's only a voice recording.

'I'm sorry, Mingyu, but I won't come. I don't have heart to make you keep waiting for me. But I also don't want to see you, I'm afraid it will give you a false hope, so I ask for Shua hyung's help to come to you, instead. Listen to me, Mingyu. Everything is over for us. Thanks to you, I've got a lesson. You have taught me that no matter how good you are to person you love, doesn't mean he will treat you the same. No matter how much he mean to you, doesn't mean he'll value you the same. Sometimes the person you love the most, turn out to be the people you can trust the least.'

"No, hyung... I'm sorry... Please, give me another chance." Mingyu pleaded, although it was useless. Wonwoo couldn't hear him, at all.

'I made you my priority, but for you, I'm just an option. You knew well what you were doing. You knew well whose heart you were breaking. You knew, but you didn't care. We just don't belong to each other, we're not fated to each other. You and I both deserve someone better. Or rather, I deserve someone better. Thank you for the sweet moments you had given to me, although it's not a lot. Goodbye, Kim Mingyu. I wish you well.'

"Hyung–" The recorded ended and Mingyu still couldn't accept the fact that he's going to lose to Wonwoo forever. Mingyu pressed the home screen, and he was ready to type Wonwoo's number, he wanted to call Wonwoo, but his fingers stopped at the wallpaper displayed on Joshua's phone.

It was a selfie of Joshua and Wonwoo together. Wonwoo looked like he's pushing the trolley with Joshua sitting on it. Wonwoo's smile looked so bright, and he looked happy together with Joshua.

While for himself? He even didn't remember if he ever made Wonwoo smiled so happily like that before

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While for himself? He even didn't remember if he ever made Wonwoo smiled so happily like that before. He was too preoccupied with Jeonghan, that he even didn't know if he had done everything to make Wonwoo happy or not when he was still his.

Kim Mingyu doesn't deserves Jeon Wonwoo.

Jeon Wonwoo deserves someone better.

Mingyu kept quiet for a moment before he handed Joshua's phone back to its owner. Mingyu didn't even dare to raise his head to make an eye contact with Joshua. Joshua sent one last glance before he smirked and turned away, ready to leave.


"What is it?"

"I leave him in your hand. Treat him well and love him like he's the most precious person to ever exist in this world."

"I don't need you to tell me that, Mingyu. I've been doing that ever since you left him for good."

Mingyu let out an ironic smile. When Mingyu said no more, Joshua finally left him and didn't spare even a single glance at him.

Joshua then went inside a café and approached Wonwoo, who had been sitting on the table by transparent window, where he could watch everything between Joshua and Mingyu in front of closed cinema before his eyes.

"Is this enough?" Joshua asked, earning a nod from Wonwoo. "Let's go home, then. It's already late."

Wonwoo nodded again.

Joshua held his hand out, and Wonwoo happily grabbed it, standing from his seat, and left the café together with Joshua. Wonwoo glanced one last time at the closed cinema, to see Mingyu haven't left his spot. But his head hung low and he was trembling. Mingyu was crying.

"Goodbye, Kim Mingyu." Wonwoo sent an apologetic smile and finally left with Joshua.

Regret Always Comes Late [ Mingyu x Wonwoo / Meanie / Minwon ]Where stories live. Discover now