[1.16] cigarettes

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"She kissed me," James sighed, ending an insanely long story about an exchange student from Ukraine that Erin had taken into her home for the following week-long visit. Apparently, according to a rather smitten looking James, this girl upon first meeting him had called him hot and immediately kissed him without any warning.

"Oh did she aye?" Ciara laughed as they turned the corner on the street, weaving out of the way of an old woman pushing along a trolley full of newly purchased yarn. Ciara was suddenly reminded of her need for new yarn for a project she wanted to start ( a weighted blanket) and wondered where she would find the money required for all the materials.

"I'm serious Chip!" James exclaimed. Ciara turned to him and looked into his eyes briefly, finding them to be completely full of truth and not greyed by mistruths. "No warning or anything," he continued, dreamily going off to another world for a split second.

"She just kissed you?" Chip laughed softly, mind elsewhere as she glanced around their surroundings as if searching for something unbelievably important. James just thought her rather sporadic nature was a side effect of her sudden lack of nicotine, not that something else was occurring in the background.

He nodded, grinning unbearably, "Unbelievable right?"

"Aye... unbelievable," she trailed off, looking down a particular alley to avoid James' gaze. When she found what she had been looking for all along, her face lit up completely and she had to fight the urge to sprint down the dark alleyway. "Hey Macca!" she yelled, catching his attention so he did not disappear as he so tended to do. "Stay here."

James stammered and reached out to grab her leather cothered arm, preventing her from walking any further, "What? Chip-"

"Trust me James, aye?" she whispered back, nervously looking down the alleyway. He reluctantly nodded and let go, allowing her to venture down the dingy alley against his better judgement. As she walked down the alley, Chip pulled the hood of the hoodie underneath her leather jacket up just in case someone happened to witness what was about to occur. "Where've you been?"

"Compilation, had to lay low for a little while," Macca replied lowly, sniffing as he glanced at the two men standing behind him. "What's it to you?"

She cleared her throat, stuffing her hands into her pockets, "Need a favour."

"Who's the lad?" one of the burlier men stood behind Macca asked, his eyes dead set on James who lingered at the end of the alleyway.

"He's with me, he's fine," she replied quickly, catching the henchman's attention again. "I don't need anything that illegal, just cigs."

"Ran out, have ya?" Macca chuckled darkly, reaching into his extensive pockets to pull out what she needed amongst various other products that Ciara would not even think of taking

"Like two days ago, i'm dying," she sighed, brain screaming for something a little stronger than tobacco. He laughed once again, this time the henchmen joining in too, both finding hilarity in her suffering.

"Alright, 2.75."

Her eyebrow crept up onto her forehead. The price was much cheaper than the last time she had been forced to resort to him for this sort of thing. Usually she avoided Macca for cigarettes as his rates were incredibly high and she could just not pay it, but she was overly desperate and had borrowed some of Cal's left over christmas money with a promise to return all of it. He thought it was for a school project though and was rather happy to give it. "You sure?" 

"Aye, discount for friends," Macca responded, counting the coins as she dropped them into his palm. Ciara smiled thankfully as he handed her the holy grail. With a nod of an understanding about their deal, they split. Ciara walked back to James, shoving the cigarettes in her pocket. As she reached him, she grabbed onto his arm and interlocked her own with it. She wanted to pull him away from the area as quickly as possible, plus if they were forced to run it would make it a little easier to handle.

Once they were far enough away that Ciara was comfortable they weren't being followed by anyone suspicious, she unlooped her arms from James' and pulled the holy grail from her pocket. The instant relief that flooded her veins upon the first intake of smoke was nothing short of orgasmic. "So, what's the random kisser's name?" she asked softly, intrigue tugging down her brow.

"Katya," James answered back absentmindedly, not wanting to leave her question unanswered but he had something else on his mind. "Who was that?"

She sighed softly, hesitating as she slowly exhaled, "Forget you know who he is, trust me."

"Okay," he responded hesitantly, concern furrowing his brow.

A little bit later in the day, they ran into the others and their new addition outside a random cafe. Luckily, for Ciara, they had already eaten so she did not have to suffer through that ordeal. Upon the instant she and James reached the group, Katya pushed the other girls and started to grossly makeout with James.

Ciara, quite frankly incredibly appalled by the sight before her, grimaced. "Christ I thought he was lying," she whispered to Michelle, joining the others in averting their gaze from whatever was in front of them.

"Gross right? Don't know what she sees in him."

"I feel like I'm gonna boke," Orla mumbled, nervously leaning slightly closer towards a hedge beside them.

"That's just the double chocolate milkshake with extra chocolate syrup catching up with your Orla," Erin responded with a sigh, grimacing too as whatever was occuring next to them seemed to escalate.

Orla shrugged, "Worth it."  

Basorexia - J.MAGUIRETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang