Chapter Twelve: Final Battle

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"Torpedo is away," shouted Thay'la. The Hargh'peng torpedo is shot out of the Bonaventures' forward torpedo bay, and Thay'la Shrol guides it to its target. When the torpedo gets close to the maw of the Planet Killer, the controls start to become sluggish as the gravitational distortions coming from the maw make it difficult for Thay'la to guide the weapon. The Planet Killer is moments away from firing its antiproton beam, meaning time is running out.

"Gravitational distortions are making it difficult to guide the torpedo," said Thay'la. 

"You can do it, Thay'la," encouraged Damian. With her Commanding Officer's encouragement, Thay'la guides the Warhead into the Doomsday Machine. Upon entering the maw of the Doomsday Machine, the antimatter warhead detonates and a massive explosion of energy destroys the Planet Killer from the inside. The bridge crew watches from the viewscreen as the Doomsday Machine implodes. The bridge crew cheers as they celebrate their victory. Breathing a sigh of relief, Damian Decker closes his eyes and lays his head on the head cushion of the Command Chair. 

"Way to go, Thay'la, you just saved a lot of lives today," complimented Damian as he looked at Thay'la Shrol with a warm smile. Thay'la smiled back at Damian and thanked him for his warm gesture.

"Just doing my job, Captain," replied Thay'la. Damian could not get used to everyone calling him 'Captain' even though his rank was still Lieutenant. Just when everyone thought it was over, something unexpected happened. Another Starfleet Vessel warps into the system. It appears to be an Odyssey Class Starship; the USS Farragut NCC-91674. The Odyssey Class Starship was one of the most powerful vessels built by the Federation. A culmination and combination of the Galaxy and Sovereign Class Vessels, the Odyssey Class was a large ship with much to offer.

 A culmination and combination of the Galaxy and Sovereign Class Vessels, the Odyssey Class was a large ship with much to offer

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There was no mention of an Odyssey Class Ship anywhere in the area. The only other Odyssey Class Ship close to the border was the USS Yorktown or the USS Farragut. The Yorktown was on a relief mission to an Andorian Colony suffering from a viral outbreak. There were also no Odyssey Class Ships assigned to the Task Force. The USS Farragut was sent on a diplomatic mission to the Cardassian Union. The Cardassians were improving relations with the Bajoran Republic, but it was not an easy task considering many Bajorans still hated the Cardassians more so since the Cardassian Union allied itself with the Dominion and the Breen Confederacy during the Dominion War. Even when the Cardassians rebelled against the Dominion and aided the Federation during the final battle, Cardassia was but a shadow of its former self. Having to rebuild from the ashes of their once great Empire, and are still regarded by many within the Alpha and Beta Quadrants as untrustworthy. 

"The USS Farragut?" Damian asked himself. "What is she doing here?" Damian was confused, like most of the other Bridge Officers.

"I thought the Farragut was in Cardassian Space," said Teresa. Damian and Teresa look at each other; Both of them are confused.

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