"Is it love?" (1)

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A story inspired by the famous Malayalam movie 'Niram' and suggested by Jasminearun

A story inspired by the famous Malayalam movie 'Niram' and suggested by Jasminearun

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The two large mansions stood opposite to each other, on both sides of the semi-wide road; The Singhania mansion and The Sharma mansion.

The time was 6:45 am and the sun was still not Fully up and so were the two ; Veeranshu Singhania & Bani Sharma,  fully asleep, not bothered about the special class they had in the college today. 

The time moved more swiftly to 7:00 am and the sun blazed more brightly and finally, Veeranshu Singhania was successful in snapping out of his deep nap and sat straight, rubbing his eyes. The first thing he did, Even before opening his eyes was to stumble with his phone sleepily, to dial Bani's number.

"Aani , pick up the phone yaar"  Veer whispered , Fully irritated and now fully awake as his phone call terminated without getting answered. He pulled himself up from the bed and his eyes immediately widened seeing the time he chose to wake up ; 7:30 am.

"Wah veer what an appreciable punctuality.. Missed today's class too" he mocked himself and shook his head. It was not for the missed lecture he now was upset but for the lost attendance. He and Bani were already at the hem of missing The University exams due to the lagging attendance percentage.

Well, no one can be blamed too. It was purely their choice to bunk the class every now and then which finally had left them with insufficient class hours. 

veer groaned in irritation and quickly carried on his daily routine before rushing down to the main hall.

"good morning veer" he was welcomed by the sarcastic wish of his father, Balwant Singhania by whose side , his mother Chandrakala Singhania stood shaking her head in disbelief. 

"good morning dad... will go and call Aani , bye...." he replied with a grin and rushed out without waiting for further replies from his parents. while veer rushed out Balwant and Chandrakala gazed their son with a glad chuckle.

"this aani and veeru bhi na !" 


"Aaniiii" veer screamed as he pushed open the front door of sharma mansion , bringing Vardhan sharma and Anjali sharma to full alert. The aroused tension saw its death when veer hugged the duo and pleasantly greeted them. 

"veer beta..you gave a mini heart attack yaar.." Anjali said and caught his ears with a smile when veer hugged her from behind. 

"Anju maa... it's a common phenomenon na.....its 23 years now, okay.." veer said chirply and vardhan laughed.

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