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[??? POV]

"What happen?"

"Am I died already?"

"If I am dead, how my father gonna react to this?"

"And where am I?"

This thought keep appearing in my mind as I am truly confused right now.

Moment ago, I just back from school and received a package from my father. It revealed to be a birthday gift for me as the gift is an action figure of my favourite series.

But, the gift then been taken by my bully as he told me that I am so childish and naive for still playing with such things.

As I about to take it back, the bully throw it on the road as I about to take it, a Almighty Truck-kun appeared and you guessed it, the Truck-kun kill me.

And now, here I am. In complete darkness. Am I gonna go to hell? I hope not because that the last place I expected after all the good deed I done back when I am alive.


[You have been chosen as the lucky soul of receiving the Game System!]

???:... Eh? EEEHHHH!?

I don't understand what just happened right now. Moment ago, I just died, then I am trapped at this dark place, now I need to deal with this kind of weird situation! What wrong with my life?!

[Do you accept?]

[Yes] [No]

??? : I still don't understand what just happen. But I will choose Yes.

[Affirmative. Individual ??? have fully linked to the System]

[Do you want to start the tutorial?]

[Yes] [No]

???: No

To be honest, I really don't need it because I already known how to use the System, thanks to all of the fanfiction or novel I read back there.


???: Hm, let's try this. I hope it really work.

???: Menu



???: Open Status and Parameter.


Name: ???

Alias: ???

Age: ???

Gender: ???

Species: ???

[Please select Host Name, Age, Gender and Species]


Name: ???

Level: 0

Honkai Impact Gamer Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ