Vii| Mira's brothers

Start from the beginning

"Mira, Ciao!" The Italian accent echoed through the London flat as Marco Venturi entered the room, clothed but with hair still wet.

"Ciao, Marco," Mira replied cheerfully.

Marco Venturi was Mira's favourite out of Luke's past boyfriends. Marco had been with him the longest too, just over three years. Mira hadn't spent much time with him but when she did, she found he was a happy and outgoing person.

Plus, having a chef for a boyfriend when you couldn't cook yourself was a very large bonus. Marco was well respected around London for being a great chef and social media influencer. Mira had no idea why he'd chosen Luke to be with, as the man was very reserved and cared more about dogs than he did people.

"Mira was just about to tell me about how work was going," Luke commented as Marco sat down.

"You are a gamer?" Marco refreshed.

"Yeah, for McLaren Shadow and Twitch," Mira replied. "Not much has changed since I still don't do much with McLaren until the championship begins...but I've done some media."

"We saw your post about Lando Norris," Luke brought up loosely. "How did that go?"

"It was awkward at first, he likes to ask a lot of questions," Mira admitted. "But we stream together a lot now and I have also met some of the other drivers."

"Mira, that's great!" Luke praised honestly. "I mean it, I'm glad you're getting out of your comfort zone about."

"Not that much."

"It's still something and it's a big thing for you," Luke continued. 

" and I have met in person as well. It turns out that he does live far from me, within walking distance actually," Mira added. "It was strange but now he keeps trying to talk to me, facetime me and just chat in general and I don't know what to do."

"Do you not want to talk to him?" Marco frowned. "Is he too much?"

"No, not like that," Mira denied. "I just don't remember how to really...I feel like an idiot when I talk to him. It's like I forget how to talk to someone. I was never good at it anyway but this year has just messed with me a bit."

"That's fine, Mira, don't let it get to you," Luke assured, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It'll take the time to get into the world again for all of us, let alone you."

"Tell him and Esme that!" Mira threw her hands up slightly. "They're dragging me to the British Grand Prix."

That comment made Marco choke on his Latte and Luke's eyes widened. For as long as Marco had known Mira, she'd hated loud noises, crowded people and unplanned events...the British Grand Prix had all of that. Luke knew that all too well and he also knew actually what Mira's reaction could be if things were too much for her.

"I don't think that is a good idea," Luke warned lowly.

"I know that, Luke."

"Tell them No, Mira," Marco insisted."Don't feel forced to go."

"Esme has now got me roped into it, Marco!" Mira replied, frustrated. "She thought getting me paid to go would make it better so she's arranged media for me and Lando to do while we're there."

"That's it, I'm going to phone Mclaren right now and—"

"Why are we phoning Mclaren?"

Mira slightly groaned as she heard the voice of Mike Atkinson. She was happy to see her brother but he'd arrived at a very inconvenient time

"Nothing!" Mira raised her voice as she stood up,"Mike! I'm glad to see you."

Mike hugged his sister but still looked at Luke in front of him,"What's going on?"

"Mira got invited to the British Grand Prix by Lando Norris," said Luke quietly. "And she's agreed to go like the adult she is."

The change of tone in Luke's voice made it all too clear that couldn't let Mike know anything was wrong with Mira going. Otherwise, he'd create hell on earth for Mira's career.

"Is this true?" Mike questioned, letting go of Mira.

"Yes," Mira nodded, sitting back down.

"Why would he invite you?" Mike asked, shaking his head. "You don't know the guy."

Mike didn't have any sort of social media that was active. At least, he didn't have anything that would inform him that Mira had any sort of contact with Lando.

"We've been talking through work," Mira explained. "McLaren stuff, you know?"

Mike hummed but didn't seem all too happy with not knowing this.

"Surely, you aren't going to go?"

"Esme will be with me," Mira replied. "I'm driving there so that gives me some level of control."

"Driving you and Esme?" Mike concluded.

"Uh, No."

"Driving alone?" Marco questioned curiously.

"I'm driving bloody Lando Norris Okay! They're trusting me with the bloody Formula One driver!"

Her tone had shown a new level of panic as she ran a hand through her hair, unable to hide it from Mike. The truth was in her words, Mira didn't know why she thought it would be a good idea to agree to it at all, whether she was being paid for it or not.

"You're a great driver, Mira," Luke assured. "You know you are."

"That's not the point, Luke!" Mike interrupted. "You shouldn't be under this type of pressure, Mira. You can't deal with it!"

"I'm sure that's not true," Marco defended."What about Esme, Mira?"

"Well the car only has two seats, Marco," Mira replied. "Esme is in the car in front of us, the one that will be recording for McLaren media and probably Netflix for good measure."

"It'll work out," Marco assured, Italian accent putting Mira at ease slightly.

"Thanks, Marco."

"In the meantime, buy some new ear defenders or headphones, okay?" Mike suggested, crossing his arms. "Your's are a bit dull."

Mira frowned.

"First of all, that offends me," She huffed. "And second of all, McLaren has that covered for me. They always do."

"I still don't think this is a good idea," Mike mentioned again. "Not one bit."

"Oh shut up, Mike," Luke groaned. "Let our little sister live a bit!"

 "Let our little sister live a bit!"

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