[❄️] ~ A Gentle Wind And The Sweet Eclipse ~ [🌑]

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Requested by Shadowwasnevertaken

Ok sorry if it's short😭

Penumbras crying in background /j

i already rewrote about NFK and AFK three times but I will keep trying lol

ok sorry i'm suffering

I started this book not so long ago and I already got 10 drafts lmao

Story contains:
—Smol short kiss
—Gorgeous Lesbians<3

None. If you're a homophobe, it's your fault you're in wattpad lol

Female Frost Spirit

The ship:
Umbra X Frost Spirit (female)

The Eclipse was illuminating the whole place, clearly standing out on the violet sky.

Some were amazed, some were disgusted by such a phenomenon. For most titans it was annoying even.

Yet the spirit of the winds, cold and ice clearly didn't mind it. Oh no, she liked it.

On the edge of a cliff there sat two titans, two females, watching the purplish sky. They would quietly lull a melody together.

The taller female on the left was Umbra, the Mistress and the one, who caused the Eclipse. She usually had two long ponytails, yet this time she had a braid, decorated with a few of cyan and blue flowers. Such gentle flowers, made out of ice, could break or melt in any moment.

The shorter titan on the right was Frost Spirit, a winged spirit of winter, who's always accompanied by the wind. She took her hood off a few minutes ago, which is unusual for her, I must say. Her snow-white hair was curly, and she had some golden flowers purposely stuck in her hair. They shone, like the Eclipse, not too bright, yet not too dull.

"A wonderful sight, is it not?" Umbra giggled, her beautiful voice echoed through the place. She kept staring at the sky, still holding the cold hand of her soulmate as tight as ever. Frost Spirit's hand was cold and soft, like a mixture of ice and snow. Even then, she felt some warmth.

"I agree." Frost Spirit replied, her tone was always soft. Not only tone, but her actions and glances.

Perhaps older titans were right, she's too soft for an ice titan. But does it stop Umbra from loving her? No.

"Angel-angel, little angel.." Umbra murmured turning to the ice titan. The taller woman's shining golden eyes always had a dominant and confident look, but only would she glance at Frost Spirit, and she couldn't help it but turn her expression into a softer one. "..Tell me, what's in front of me?"

"I am, in front of you, silly." Frost Spirit giggled, looking at the dark sun titan. The shorter female's crystal clear eyes weren't that threatening, no, they showed purity and innocence. Of course, sometimes she would have a cold glare, but how could she act so rough towards her beloved? "What's the matter, sunshine?"

"Do I get a permission to kiss you?" The Mistress smiled. "Oh, but I thought you never ask questions." The spirit replied, smiling back. "Frankly, it was just to show a bit of manners." Umbra replied and they both giggled.

The taller female pulled the shorter one in a small and soft kiss. And then she pulled her closer, but just for a hug.

Frost Spirit didn't mind, of course she didn't, she adored hugs. She finally rested her head on Umbra's shoulder, closing her cyan eyes. The ice titan wrapped her wings around the dark sun titan's body.

"I wish I could stay with you for eternity, darling." Umbra whispered, relaxing. "Then do so." Frost Spirit suggested in a quiet voice. "I... shall not." Umbra exhaustedly sighed "I hold the crown and all of the responsibility-" But Frost Spirit placed her hand on Umbra's mouth.

"Hear me out, honey." The ice titan looked at her, murmuring every word "Everytime you feel wind blowing, no matter how strong is it, I want you to remember me." Frost Spirit kept looking at her beloved with a sympathetic and soft stare "You're here with me, and that's all what matters. I love you and it's all that matters."

"Thank you, Frost Spirit." Umbra finally called her by her name. "Do not thank me, my sunshine." Frost Spirit whispered as she closed her eyes again.

They stayed quiet, listening only to the wind's whistling and the slumber of the nature.

There would a few birds fly past, spreading rumours about one another.

But all what matters is that these two are together. They are in peace, they are in love.

Does it matter if one's an evil queen and other's a free spirit? No.

They sat there, at the edge, humming a melody together and hugging. They both were happy, they both were pleased by such a nice time spending together.

They stared at the violet sky, singing about it, about the eclipse, about the clouds, about the wind and snow.

After all, both represent their own gift: Umbra's the Eclipse, Frost Spirit's the Winter's Wind.

ye ik Frost Spirit better be like snow, ice but um uh um


Frost Spirit:
-has wings
-has feathered wings
-can fly because um Frost's chains were removed
-wind doesn't have a color, but usually it's associated with blue and gray, and well um Frost is..y'know-

uh that's all

The Path To Love ~ | TDS | ONESHOTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora