"What hyung? Watch your language, young man," scolded their mother angrily.

"Noona and hyung are legally married as husband and wife. Even though they haven't had a wedding, he's still my brother-in-law in my mind." Haruto didn't care for his mother's curses, as he walked over and helped Lisa with their stuff.

Jungkook passed over the laptop and cellphone. "These are for you."

"Wow... the newest edition! Thanks, Hyung."

Haruto was a guy, so he liked electronics very much, but all of the newest electronics on the market were expensive.

Even though his sister gave him enough allowances, he still didn't want to waste her money.

Jungkook's presents were exactly what Haruto wanted.

He didn't even dare to drive the yellow Camaro Chevrolet sports car yet, because he was scared that his mother would be furious. By then, it would really be fast and furious.

"Mom... let me help you." Lisa walked over and helped her mother pick the vegetables.

Her mother still remained upset, but she didn't say anything else.

"Mom... I want to eat homemade 'long-live' noodles! They're so good."

Lisa said coyly and didn't care if she would be refused with curses.

"You're now the young Madame of a wealthy family, how can you eat the same thing as little citizens like us? Why don't you just eat out if you want something?"

"But I like the food you make, Mom. No one can replace that flavor."

Her mother's hand that was washing the vegetables slightly trembled when she heard this, as if something tugged her heart string.

The two women were busy outside, while Haruto poured Jungkook a cup of tea, and the two of them talked inside the room.

"Hyung, my sister can be stubborn sometimes. Don't bother to argue with her, just let her have her way from time to time. She's always had that bad-temper, and she will release it all irrationally. I've been bullied by her ever since I was little and have grown accustomed to it, haha. However, she might seem powerful on the surface, but she's still a girl no matter how smart and strong she is. The truth is, she's very sensitive and weak inside. If she's been wounded, then she would hide away and mend her wounds on her own. I really love my sister, so please, don't let my sister get hurt."

Haruto laughed as he said this nonchalantly, but his intent was very simple. He just wanted Jungkook to be more accommodating around Lisa.

Jungkook was quite happy that this brother-in-law of his wasn't a weak and spoiled brat that lived off of his parents.

Even though he was quite young, he was very sensible and loved his sister very much.

"Don't worry, I will never hurt her," Jungkook promised Haruto, man to man.

"Hyung... I still haven't thanked you yet. Even though you haven't said anything, but the school has been taking care of me very well. They even gave me a scholarship, and have thought of me first each time something good comes up. I know that's definitely because of you. Did you work your charms at my school?" asked Haruto as he scratched the back of his head.

Jungkook didn't respond, instead, he asked, "Haruto, what do you plan to do after you graduate?"

"I haven't decided yet, but I must find a job first, and earn money to help noona support this family."

Jungkook nodded with praise. "Just tell me which area you want to work in, JC has many subsidiaries, and I'm sure there's one that suits you. Then, you can start from the bottom and learn lots of things. When the time is right, just come and find me at the headquarters. Of course, this is only my suggestion and invitation. You still have to decide for yourself."

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