Wednesday took this opportunity in learning more about werewolves... so she put away her silver knives and-


She had just let mankind's most dangerous beast sleep on top of her... and she escaped unharmed, alongside the werewolf.


Why the hell was she still letting this girl rest on her lap?!

Within a split second, Wednesday was standing on the forest floor, brushing down the dirt and leaves, pausing a moment to look at her clothes ruined by bloodstains.

Yes, she loved the things about blood, but to be on her clothes was something she didn't really tolerate.

Wednesday pulled herself together after fixing her braids and then looked back down at the-

Oh, right... she transformed and now she's naked...

The ravenette didn't know where this came from and why she did it, but she moved swiftly to pull out a blanket to cover the girl.

Though a werewolf, still a human... she must be freezing cold especially in the middle of a dense forest at this time of the year.

But, as Wednesday was laying down the blanket, the blonde girl shook slightly and her arms started moving around.

Then a long human noise came out of her mouth as her legs and arms straightened, she was stretching.

Slowly, the girl was waking from her slumber.

And then the dark eyes of Wednesday met the crystal blue eyes of the girl's.

They opened before blinking like a butterfly and then widening.

The blonde let out a startled yelp as she sat up, she saw the blanket at her legs and covered herself.

Wednesday's eyebrows furrowed and her eyes lightly squinted, observing the girl now sat up.

Her blonde hair reached her shoulders and her dyed highlights at the end of her hairs were symmetrical: one side being pink, one side being blue. They were in a way streaked tips.

The cotton-candy blonde was letting out soft noises of gibberish or incoherent words, her cheeks were tinted a slight pink-red, easy to tell from the dried bloodstains.

Then her mouth just hung open, no more words coming out as she stared back at Wednesday.

The ravenette raised an eyebrow, slightly leaning away from the blonde as she just further stared at her.

There were a few nearly-mute squeaks and stammering noises before she greeted-

"Howdy...?" the very innocent-sounding voice said softly.



"H-h... ho- howdy?" now it was more like the blonde was questioning herself.

Come again?

As if the blonde was reading her mind, "How- howdy... howdy p-p... per- person! H-howdy person!" a small smile appeared on her face.

Her eyes glimmered with hope, the way her crystal blues sparkled like a lake.

"Howdy person!" she repeated and ended with a small laughing gasp.

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