Act One - Scene 5: A lost embrace

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"Listen, you didn't know it was going to be there. Eugene and I were more than capable, if neither of us would have been there then he'd have died. So I'm glad I went, but please don't blame yourself for this."

Her eyes lowered to her lap and her shoulders slumped. I had hoped she would drop it because I hated seeing her self pity herself. Though it may have only been once, I still didn't like it. It didn't suit her. ".... I'm glad you're okay..."

I couldn't stop the smile that spread along my face. And she saw it before looking away with a bit of a huff. "Don't let it go to your head."

"Can't get rid of me that easily, Ghoul."

Wednesday just rolls her eyes and looks to the side, with her arms crossed. ".... you're incorrigible."

This makes me laugh only to groan at the slight pain I received.

"Note to self: Don't laugh."


"Are you not coming to the quad?" Wednesday asked me when she saw me still in my bed after she came back from spying on my balcony.

"No." I shake my head and close the purple nightshade book I still had.

"Why not?"

That's right, I never told her about my parents. As I open my mouth to answer, the door bursts open and Enid rushes in.

"The parents are arriving." She announced and Wednesday rolled her eyes.

"I saw." She deadpans then stands up. I watch her walk to the door just as Enid skips up to me and hugs me.

"Get better soon."

"I'll be as good as new tomorrow. No worries pup."

She giggles then skips back to Wednesday. The Addams girl looks at me one last time only to leave first, Enic in tow.


I was reading a book when Wednesday came walking into my room, and she did not look...well, she looked pissed.

"Remember the claims Tyler's father had about my father being a murderer?"

I lower the book in my lap to give her my undivided attention, the reading glasses on my face being pushed up by my finger. "Yeah,"

"I tried to confront my parents about it."

"Ah, that explains the teenage anger I feel coming from your direction."

Wednesday had stopped pacing to give me a glare. "I don't mind nailing your hand into the wall,"

I hold my arms up in surrender before dropping them quickly.

"They....more so my mother told me that I didn't know the full story." Wednesday hisses, she was still pacing. "And yet, every time I ask about it, from anyone, I'm always replied in the same manner."

I remain silent.

She comes to a stop in front of my window and glares out of it. "I'm not a child..."

A long pause passes between us as I'm left watching her stew in her thoughts. I slowly look at my hands, gripping the edges of the book I was holding, as I try to think of something to say. I wasn't of much help in the family department. Luckily for me, Eugene stopped by to check up on me. While he was talking my ear off, I watched out of the corner of my eye how Wednesday slipped away. I'll let her be.


Enid was the next to find me. After the dinner incident with the Sheriff taking Gomez into custody, I hadn't seen Wednesday since. But if it weren't for Enid, I would have never known. After she had told me about the fiasco, she started to get quiet. So I put my friends' pants on and pushed all thoughts of The Addams from my mind to be able to focus solely on Enid.

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