Chapter 50: Almost Perfect

Start from the beginning

Lissa eyed him for a second, then snorted with laughter. "Good call."

The air smelled of water and salt. The smell grew stronger as they walked out of the hotel. Yvian found it refreshing, if a little strange. They stepped out onto a wooden patio. The wood was warm, and surprisingly pleasant. Yvian had rarely gone barefoot, and this was the first bit of genuine wood she'd touched.

Beyond the patio was a stretch of white sand. Beyond the sand was a vast expanse of open water. More water than she'd seen in her entire lifetime. The water moved, undulated, lapping against the sand in small waves. The light of the Krog Homestar refracted off the water. Yvian decided it was the most beautiful view she'd ever seen.

The Captain took a deep breath through his nose, making a pleased mmm sound. "Smell that air. I haven't been on a beach since..." His face clouded. A string of emotions flashed through it. He shook his head and started forward again. Lissa shared a concerned look with Yvian. They 


Solar radiation warmed Yvian's skin as they walked down to the water. The sand was warmer than the wooden patio, bordering on hot. It squished beneath her toes. Yvian reveled in the sensation. Few pixens ever stepped foot on a real planet. Even fewer would ever receive an experience such as this. But someday they would. She swore it to herself. She would bring her people to a world of their very own.

Lissa let out a yelp when the first small wave crashed over her foot. Yvian hissed at the touch of the cold water. The Captain, who'd kept his back to them as they walked, finally glanced back. He was already knee deep in the ocean. "Yeah. Not a lot of temperature variation living in the void. You'll get used to it." He continued deeper in to the waves. "You can ease yourselves in if you want, but it's better to get immersed quick as you can. It feels pretty good once the shock wears off."

Yvian glared at the human's back as he trudged forward. Lissa let out another "yeep" as a wave splashed halfway up their shins. With a determined grimace, Yvian marched out after the Captain. Each step and each wave sent shocks and goosebumps up and down her body. She gritted her teeth and kept moving forward. Once the Captain was waist deep, he dived under the waves. He came up a few seconds later. Yvian tried to emulate him, but found herself panicking as water went up her nose and into her lungs. Mims set her back on her feet and pounded her back while she coughed up salty water.

Eventually, Yvian recovered and Lissa managed to ease her way over. Once she'd been underwater a few times, the cold wasn't so shocking anymore. The Captain approached swimming with the same seriousness he'd applied to everything else they'd learned, but his disapproving frown only spurred Yvian to laugh more as she embarked on a splash fight with her sister. He finally broke after the third time Lissa splashed him, breaking into a grin and trying to dunk her under the water.

When the Homestar rose higher, they broke for lunch. The large patio in front of the resort hosted a number of tables and benches. An awestruck krog brought them a menu when they sat down in one.

"She seemed to really like us," Lissa remarked as the krog hustled off to fetch them their drinks.

"Certificate of Excellence," Mims reminded her. "They look at us the way Yvian looks at Space Captain."

"It's kind of a weird feeling," Yvian said. "I'm not sure I like it."

"Price of fame." The Captain shrugged. "But they'll sell me ships, now. I've commissioned an entire fleet."

"This place is nice," Lissa changed the subject, looking around. "I'm surprised we're the only ones here."

"I booked the whole place," the human told her. "It's just us and the resort staff."

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