Over Coming The Dark Within

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Naruto: It just that..., I didn't think I'd be seeing myself acting like that, he said a lot of bad things, especially about you, I felt so angry toward that guy, no myself, how I hated the village, how I feel whenever you're keeping secrets, and how my life was like back before meeting you, I felt like I relayed on you to make my days so much better and I knew it, and deep down I felt like I was using you.

/Naruto felt unnerved by Sakura's unchanging expression which is a gentle smile and soon enough she sigh and spoke gently/

Sakura: I understand, I don't blame you if you felt like that, I can't make any honest promises that you could believe in, but I do have good attentions for you, I'll be a little honest here, I do have some shame that I want to hide away, but anyways I didn't think you'd feel that way of "using me" as you say in what way?

/Sakura wonder what Naruto meant by being used/

Naruto: Well...

/Naruto blush a bit and glancing to the side for a moment then he gaze up to Sakura and spoke/

Naruto: You know...

/Naruto is motioning his two hands as if he was grabbing something round which quickly got Sakura's attention and it causes her expression to change into shock while blushing, then Naruto soon stop motioning his hands since Sakura got the idea and cause of that Sakura blushes a bit more/

Sakura: I see...

Naruto: Yeah...

/Both teens felt awkward for each other and they both look away from each other for a moment but soon Naruto and Sakura look to each other while blushing nervously, but soon enough Sakura sigh while still blushing/

Sakura: Well you are a guy...

Naruto: Yeah...

/Naruto felt a bit ashamed of himself but Sakura notice his expression and spoke quickly/

Sakura: Don't feel ashamed, it's natural, I'd go as far as to say I'm flattered.

/Sakura smile while still blushing and Naruto looks up to Sakura with confusion on his face, but Sakura continues on/

Sakura: It's normal to think of stuff like that and it's okay, Naruto I'm your girlfriend, it's okay to think about pervy stuff every now and again, beside it's clearly obvious that you like my ass, and I'm proud of it, might be the only good thing I have.

Naruto: No way.

/Sakura look to Naruto with wonder, while he smile and reaches his hands out to Sakura's face to caress it/

Naruto: You have a beautiful face.

/Then Naruto use his thumb of his right hand to press gentle in a playful on Sakura's lips/

Naruto: Beautiful lips I love kissing so much, green eyes that I can't look away even if I try, and finally...

/Naruto got up and moved closer to Sakura and he press his lips on her forehead for a moment, which surprise Sakura and her expression doesn't hide it/

 Naruto: You got a large charming forehead, it makes me want to kiss it.

/Sakura's cheeks flushed a rosy hue from the overwhelming surge of embarrassment, she tenderly placed her hand on Naruto's shoulder, gently creating a delicate space between them. Her laughter, light and melodic, danced in the air as they shared the moment. Naruto, his eyes glistening with warmth, responded with a smile that mirrored her joy, their hearts intertwining in a touching instant of genuine connection/

Why Am I Sakura?!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt