Chapter 6

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"I'm sorry Axel, but it's too late," Celeste shook her head. "I'm tired of repeating myself. If you really want to know then think about what I pleaded for before. Now excuse me, I'm going home and no one will stop me this time."

"Doll, you crashed your car," Axel pointed out. "It's not drivable."

"Then I will call an Uber," she said. "I refuse to stay here any longer. Fae is welcome to stay if she wants, I know you will make sure she gets to school and all that but I am going home."

"Just wait, Doll, let me grab my keys and I'll take you home," Axel sighed. Celeste looked at him shocked and he smiled sadly. "I'm trying to hear you, Celeste. I have to admit that I am worried about you being at home alone while you are still recovering, though."

"I'll be fine, Axel," she smiled, "besides I still have Doc as my emergency contact for a reason."

"Can a couple of us stay with you just for today to make sure, please?" he asked.

"Silas asked the same thing," she sighed. "Why? I said I am fine."

"You are still injured, Doll," Axel pointed out. "Your contusions haven't healed and you still have a sprained ankle. A lot of things could happen. We still care and love you, Celeste."

"And a lot of things may not happen," she pointed out. "You yourself said one can't dwell on all the what ifs, did you not?"

"Touché, Doll," he chuckled. He noticed she didn't say it back but didn't push it. "Please Celeste?"

She sighed then winced a little bit as her ribs were starting to ache. "Fine if it means that I can go home. But if you start to push in any way that isn't in regards to my health then I will kick all of you out one way or another."

"Yes Ma'am," he nodded as he stood. "Come on, let's go inside and get ready to leave."

"Momma?" Fae called out as they walked back inside.

"Hi, Sweet Pea," Celeste smiled as she walked over to her.

"What doing?" Fae yawned as she rubbed her eyes.

"I am about to go home since I am better," she said as she pulled her daughter's hair out of her face and up into a messy ponytail. "Do you want to stay here with your Daddies or do you want to come home?"

"Stay," she yawned. "Little longer please."

"Okay," Celeste nodded. "When you are ready to come home, just let me know and I'll come get you."

"And how are you going to do that, Darling?" Owen asked as he came into the room. "Your car was totaled in the crash. Do you have another vehicle?"

"Not yet," she shook her head, "but I plan on going to look at cars today to find one and figure out the payments into my budget."

"May I offer a suggestion?" Owen asked.

"Let me guess, you want North and Brandon to go pick one out for me instead?" She asked.

"Why don't you just take one of our spares instead, Baby?" North asked. "Then you wouldn't have to worry about payments and you know that it is safe as well."

"And the tracker?" She asked suspiciously.

"I'll remove it, Babe," Brandon nodded.

"It would allow you to stay home and rest your body some more, Angelos Mou," Silas pointed out.

She sighed then rolled her eyes, "I hate when you are right," she muttered. "Fine, thank you. Now I want to go home." She paused for a moment. "Please."

"Come on Doll, let's get you home," Axel nodded grabbing his keys off the key holder.

"Have fun with your daddies, Fae," Celeste smiled and blew her a kiss.

"I will," Fae smiled as she curled up in Nathan's lap.

Celeste followed Axel out to his truck and smiled gratefully as he picked her up then sat her in the passenger seat. "Does it matter which car, Babe?" Brandon asked as he walked over to her.

"I swear, you are never going to stop with the names are you?" She asked and he shook his head smirking. "You know I know nothing when it comes to cars Brandon and besides knowing you and North you will just decide for me anyway so why even ask?"

"Because your opinion does matter," he explained. "If you have a favorite of our cars then we want you to have it. You may not know about the engines and powers but you know what you like when it comes to driving our cars."

"As long as it's a car and not a truck and it can get me to and from work then it doesn't matter," she shook her head. "Any of them will do for now."

"Not for now, Princess," Victor smirked as he came over. "For good. It will be your car permanently so pick your car so I can go transfer the title over for you."

"No," she tried to protest, "it's just temporary."

"Sorry, Princess but I'm not budging on this. You need a car for you and our daughter, so pick one."

She huffed in annoyance, rolling her eyes when she saw their disapproving looks at her wincing, then moved like she wanted down to go look but as soon as they stepped back she slammed the door shut and crossed her arms over her chest.

"That wasn't nice, Princess," Victor glared when he opened the door.

"I don't want your car, Victor. I don't want you—"

"Celeste," Victor interrupted. "This isn't us trying to buy your forgiveness or overstepping or trying to get back with you, although that is what we ultimately want. Right now, this is just caring for the mother of our daughter and helping you since we are able to, that's it, I promise. I know you don't like it when we give you extravagant gifts, we learned our lesson on that. The car won't be one of the fancy ones, just a sensible one, now either pick a car or after I have North and Brandon pick one, I will have Gabriel take it down to the custom place and let him loose."

"You wouldn't," she glared.

"Oh Princess," he smirked, "Test me and find out."

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