You've changed.

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Sulli was walking to her locker alone since she asked her boyfriend and their friends to go first.Sulli opened her locker and stacked her books inside.She closed her locker and shocked.Myungsoo was standing beside her.
Sulli:What are you doing here?
Myungsoo:FOr you.You changed.*Tries to tpuch her face*
Sulli stepped back.
Sulli:Dont you touch me.Yes,I've changed.Because of you.
Myungsoo:Im sorry Sulli.
Sulli:No.Just go away from me.I dont want to see you anymore.
Sulli walked away but before she can,Myungsoo grabbed her wrist.Sulli tried to wriggle her hand out of his grasp.
Sulli;Let me go Myungsoo.Youre hurting me.
Myungsoo:No,please let me explain.
Luhan:Let her go.
They both turn and L slowly let go of Sulli.Sulli ran behind Luhan and hid behind him.
Luhan:She's mine.
Myungsoo:Since when shes yours Xi Luhan.
Luhan:Before you came Kim Myungsoo.
Sulli felt weird with both of them.
Luhan:I warned you again.Leave her alone.
Sulli was dragged with Luhan away from Myungsoo.Myungsoo smirked and with one glanced,he dissapeared.
'What is Myungsoo?Why is Luhan mad him?Are they enemies?Is Myungsoo perhaps a vampire?'

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