And Then We Were Friends

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When Guinevere did not come down for breakfast, Arthur looked towards the stairs that led up, a worried look on his face.

He was distracted all morning throughout his dealings, but felt hope when he walked into the great hall for lunch, as though he expected to see Guinevere seated there amongst the girls or better yet - in her old spot beside him.

When she wasn't there, he sent for her ladies' maid who said that Lady Guinevere was feeling ill and planned to stay in her room resting that day. He shared a worried look with his knights. Nearly all of them had heard the shriek the night before. His fears seemed to be confirmed with Elaina's news that she would not be leaving her room.

She had had more nightmares.

He was determined. That night he would get it out of her. Or at the very least, attempt to cheer her up a bit.

Guinevere shrieked and wrapped her robe around her tightly as Arthur barged into her room after supper

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Guinevere shrieked and wrapped her robe around her tightly as Arthur barged into her room after supper. The sun had set long ago and Guinevere had seemed certain that most of the palace had settled for the night or would soon.

Which is why she was shocked to see the new king standing before her in her room, holding a pitcher and two glasses.

"King Arthur! What are you doing!?" she shouted, quickly pulling her long hair over her shoulder, feeling undressed with it down.

Thankfully she had managed to brush it shortly before he appeared so it wasn't a bird's nest.

Arthur just stood there blinking, as though he found nothing wrong whatsoever with walking into a lady's room while she was in a state of undress. Then again, he had grown up in a brothel. Perhaps she was dressed more conservative than he was used to.

Even then, it was still untoward.

"Well?!" she shouted.

"Oh... I couldn't sleep. And then when you didn't come down today, I remembered that you had trouble sleeping as well, so I thought perhaps we could keep each other company," he said, holding up the ale with a small smile.

Guinevere stared at him, her eyes going from his face - which looked naively innocent - to the pitcher.

"This is... most uncalled for, King Arthur. You cannot... just go... barging into a lady's room this late at night. Did anyone see you?" she asked, though she was starting to lose some of her bluster.

"No, I don't think so. Why would that matter? It's not the first time I've been here," he said.

"Because! People will... say things," she said, pulling at her robe again. "And that was different. That was during the day when a servant was present."

"Exactly what will people say, Lady Guinevere?" he asked, his smile slowly spreading as he stepped towards her.

"Like... like... I've given my maidenhood to you... or... something," she said, appearing scandalized by his presence.

When Arthur Met GuinevereTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang