He raised his eyebrows at me. "Yeah, what's wrong?"

A wave of warmth washed over me, swallowing my insecurities and doubts as it receded into my subconscious. "It's nothing bad, it's just.. I don't know." Tyler continued to watch me as I became unhinged.

"I really, really like you." I started. "I don't know how else to start it off because why should I give a huge like, monologue that compares the stars and the moon to my admiration for you or something, like they do in those cliche romance movies. I admire and like you, probably more than you know right now.

"We might not really know much about each other, but I know enough about myself to know that your just... right. You just make me feel good for myself, and it makes me feel really happy. I don't know, maybe I'm just a sucker, or I'm just star struck, but it just doesn't explain how I feel when I'm around you. Your arm, right now. When it's around me like this, Tyler, I could just cry.

"I melt under your touch in a way you'd barely understand. You mean the world to me. And I know I might've been a bitch for the past couple of weeks, but it's because it hurt me in so many ways when I found out another girl had you inside of her. You say you didn't have sex, but I know you guys did. There isn't a need to lie, Tyler. I've been lied to enough.

"I probably sound crazy, but I really mean everything I'm saying. Maybe I'm just being influenced by the city lights in the distance, and your smile, but I.. I don't know. I really don't. I'm not sure, but I think I might love you. Don't quote me on that though, I'm still young. I still like you though. A lot. You can quote me on that."

Tyler looked at me, smiling genuinely. He chuckled to himself as he rubbed his facial hair, looking off into the distance. His eyes returned back to me as a smile developed over his face. "You really feel that way, huh?"

I nodded, my head still laying on his shoulder.

"Sav," His voice was sent pulses through my veins. "I knew from the moment I first saw you and those blonde waves in that office, you were different. Something about you really pulled at my heart. You're so beautiful and funny, it's so hard to stay away from you." Tyler paused for a moment, sighing. "I've made some mistakes, and I want to apologize for them, but I really want you to know that I realized how much I screwed up. You mean the world to me." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

It was too good to be true. The Ferris wheel came to a halt, as we sat on the top. "Thanks, I guess." My eyelids started to get heavy, as our cart swayed slowly with the breeze. Tyler chuckled under his breath.

"Sav, look at me." I made eye contact with Tyler, feeling my blood run numb. He leaned forward, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. In that short second, all doubts of love and trust expired. I wanted more, but I knew I had to control myself. Tyler ran a hand through my hair, smiling.

"Tyler, can I be your girlfriend?" The words came out faster than I could process them myself, causing me regret them instantly. Tyler laughed out loud, wrapping his arm and pulling me close again. Our cart swayed violently from his sudden movements.

The operator started to lower us down to get off, when Tyler kissed my forehead for the second time that night. "Of course you can."

He unbuckled our seat belt as the operator lifted our safety bar and opened the door. "Enjoy your night."

"You too, man." Tyler responded, following me off of the ride. We stood waiting for Jamie and Jason, who were getting off next. We stood in silence, the both of us reflecting on our conversation in the cart we had such a short amount of time ago. It seemed to have happened so fast. It felt good to finally tell Tyler how I felt; how he made me feel inside and what he did to me.

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