coming soon

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Chapter 6 coming soon!

I hope you enjoyed chapter 5 of A Little Too Twisted!

FAQ: Will you still update Wicked in Love?

I  will be working on ALTT and WIL this year. If I need a break from ALTT,  I'll be working on WIL. If I need a break from WIL, I'll be working on  ALTT. Both stories are only available on Wattpad.

Thank you so  much for your love and support and patience. Thank you for reading my  books. I hope you are well and happy. Have a good day or night and I'll  see you in the next one!

Good to know: If you can't see the whole chapter once I uploaded it, remove A Little Too Twisted in your library then add it again. If that didn't work, log out of Wattpad then log back in.

Follow me on Instagram  @isabelleronin to get notified when the next chapter is posted! See you soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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