๛ɕнαρтєя 6

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⇠ѕσρнιє ρσν⇢

When morning begin again, I woke up slowly and sense something weird in the air as I lift my head up. I look around and said, "The hell..?" I get off from the bed and walk around to the side before hearing the door open. I gasp and turn around to see Genevieve standing there with a smile. She said, "Hello Sophie. Ready to get dressed?" I hum softly and didn't know why, but shrug it off while she walk in with another woman. I glance at her and watch them come in before Genevieve drag me to a table and chair. I sit down and they get to work as I look at them when I notice the other woman look a bit scary. I said, "You okay, Miss?" I reach my hand over as it spark a bit of purple which she gasp in surprise. I look at the glow to see that I was healing her wound from something or someone as the lady stared at me before thanking me. I just nod and smile as they were done getting me dressed. I thank them as I get up in my heel, but I got a feeling this outfit is to show off. I wonder why. I get up as Genevieve lead me to a room and we walk over to the halls. I skips around and see the beautiful arts and plants before hearing one plant to warn me about something. I stops and listen to it as I do not want to make another mistake again as it tell me that Feiyu captured someone. Oh no! I look over at Genevieve as my eyes slowly widen a bit while I rush off to find the source. Please don't be him! Please please! I use my power to trance my Master's scent since I can only recognize his since he is my first friend and I can see it coming to the room I'm going to. NO! I rush off and shouted, "Master! Master!" I then kick the door open and see him in some kind of cell as he got cuffs on. He look up and gasp to see me as he said, "S-Sophie? W-What..are you wearing? Wait no! W-Where were you!? I was worried sick!" I blush a bit and try to hold my giggle as I said, "Sorry Master. Oh! Not a good time to being smiley...I was taken by this demon prince which I'm guessing that you are taken by him. But...also it is their clothes style. Like it?" I spin around for him before I hit myself to quit that and focus on helping out. "Sorry Master! Let me help you out.." I grab the cell and felt the electricity shock me as I gasp loudly as it sent me back to the wall. What the hell! I look up and see Feiyu is there as he close the door in front of Genevieve. I face him and said, "You-. You bastard!" as my eyes glow red-purple. Calvin was shocked by this as I use my magic to use that electricity spark to attack Feiyu with. He dodge it and use it back successfully as I groan in pain. I fall to my knee and pant softly as Calvin shouted, "Sophie!" He glance at Feiyu as Feiyu walk over to me and Feiyu said coldly, "Move and I'll hurt her." Calvin stay quiet and just grip the bars as Feiyu stand in front of me. He lift me up and held my arm out with the bracelet as he said, "She is MY prisoner! She will be staying with me for a few months or years and since she refer you as her Master, I would like to make a deal with you." I hiss softly as he grip my arm while Calvin seem nervous. I need to do something! But his grip hurt me. Feiyu said, "If she work well with me within these months or years, I'll sent her back to you. Unharmed and Well. But, if she fuck up or make me upset, I'll make sure you get the punishment for what she did." What!? Calvin's eyes widen at this and just stared at me as Feiyu let me go. He walk up to the cell and said, "If you agree, I sent you home and I will take care of her. But I'll be watching you. And if not, I'll kill her." Calvin just breathe heavily as he get nervous on this discussion. I need to...argh...stop this prince. Feiyu's eyes glow dark blue and goes toward me to grip my neck as his hand glow with smoke coming out. No! M-Mhm! I feel like ugh...something is biting me..I gasp for air as I tried to stop the other and look at Calvin as he didn't know what to do before he suddenly says, "STOP! I'LL AGREE TO YOUR FUCKING DEAL!" Feiyu heard him and let go of my neck as I cough violently. Calvin look at me and said, "Sophie! You alright?!" I just nod and said softly, "Master..." He look at me softly and Feiyu got in between me and him as he said, "Excellent choice. Now, let's send you home." He walk over to the cell and unlock it to grab his arm to come out as Calvin groan loudly. I then shouted, "Feiyu! Don't hurt him!" as my eyes glow red-purple by a second. He glance at me and grab my arm as I gasp loudly. He huff quietly and seem to understand something why I call him Master as he let go of me. "We'll discuss this later. Come on, mortal." Feiyu grab Calvin's arm to sent him back home before I said, "W-Wait! Let me at least say goodbye to him. Please.." Feiyu sigh and stared at me as he said in Chinese, "You got a minute." I gasp and rush over to Calvin as I said as I caress his face, "You okay?! I'm sorry that you got in this mess. I'll find a way out, but wait for me." Master smile and nod as his hands cup my cheek which make me gasp. He said in Spanish, "Be strong Please. I have faith in you to take care of that...jackass." His eyes glance at Feiyu and Calvin face me as he reach up to kiss my head. I let out a soft giggle and nod before hearing a loud thud. What the-?! I turn around and see Feiyu lower his head a bit as he break into a wall easily with his left hand. Calvin notice it too and Feiyu let out a scary growl while he said in Chinese, "Okay enough!" He drag Calvin away as I yelp softly. "Master! Wait wait!" Feiyu stops and his eyes glow dark blue before saying, "Okay. Enough out of you!" He put Calvin down and use his power to have myself push down on the wall behind him to say to Calvin, "Look at her wrist. She is MINE! You, quit calling him Master or I'll rip your tongue out!" He then glance at Calvin and suddenly spoke in Spanish, "Once she listen and get what I want, she wouldn't be this naive and soon become like me. No feeling for no one, but themselves." W-What!?! No! No! Calvin get more nervous and didn't say anything as he stared at me. He just nod to me to be strong as I just smile softly to him. Calvin look up at Feiyu and said in Spanish, "Hope you go to hell." Feiyu then chuckle and said back in, "Motherfucker, I'm already in hell." His eyes glow dark blue and the two went off somewhere. Probably back at Calvin's home. Fuck...The door then open to see Genevieve and her eyes look at me as she said, "I'm sorry Sophie." This is all my fault...


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