017. Blue hair?

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"Who's that from?" Sirius asked her as she rather grudgingly opened the letter.

"My stupid parents," Eva responded, eyes scanning over the contents of the letter.

Dearest Evelyn,

I hope your time at that school has been content. Your father and I have been discussing this, and we have come to the agreement that you will be coming home for Christmas break. We have a serious matter to discuss that involves you.

From your mother Lenora.

"What does it say?" Peter asked, eagerly looking at her.

"They want me to come home for Christmas break and apparently they have important matters to discuss," Eva rolled her eyes making air quotes with her fingers when she said the last part.

"Ugh! Parents," Sirius added with some toast in his mouth.

Eva sighed. She hated going home for breaks. She had a feeling that her parents would want her home for the break. She tried to think about what her parents needed to discuss with her. She didn't tell her parents about the breakup between her and Lucius so they couldn't have known about that unless he told them himself.

"Guess who I just bumped into," James interrupted her thoughts while sitting down next to her. She put her head on his shoulder grabbing his hand from under the table.

"David Bowie!" Sirius replied surprisingly fast. Everyone looked at him with confused expressions.

James shook his head. "No. Lucius,"

"David Bowie would be a better story," Sirius mumbled. He took another bite of his toast, completely unimpressed.

"Okay, so you really expected me to run into David Bowie in the halls of Hogwarts? A wizarding school." Sirius death glared at James before throwing a bread roll at him.

"Anyway before the child interrupted me," Sirius pouted at him. "Lucius said and I quote 'You and your friend should watch out for your pretty faces this game,"

Sirius audibly gasped and touched his face with his hands. "See I told you. My poor face,"

"He's all talk no play. He's seriously just saying that shit to psych you out. He used to do it to the Hufflepuffs last year," Eva sipped her coffee.

"She's right. Don't let him get to you." Remus added with a nod. He put down his toast and took one last sip of his tea before getting up and putting out his hand for Eva. "Come on Eva we have to go to Charms," Eva grabbed his hand and twisted her body to get out of the table.

"We'll see you guys later," Eva made eye contact with James while Remus dragged her away.

"Yeah," James nodded staring at her the whole time it took her to leave the great hall.

♡ ♡ ♡

Eva had no idea what she wanted to be. The future scared her. Everyone always seemed like they knew what they wanted to do when they got older but Evelyn had not the slightest idea. She often sat down and thought about jobs that she could possibly be interested in but she wasn't. She didn't really have passion for anything. She wanted to do something great with her life but what? She had no clue and that stressed her out a lot, especially because she was getting older and she was running out of time. She didn't know what the future held for her and that terrified yet intrigued her.

James Potter always knew what he wanted to do. From a young age, he dreamt about his life when he grew older, under the spotlight, hearing the loud cheering of fans. His dream, since he was about four years old, was to be a professional quidditch player. Normally other people with this ridiculous dream always seem to be in delusion but James Potter had a natural gift for quidditch. If he really tried he could probably become the best in the world. So he had a goal and he was going to do everything in his power to make it happen and winning the cup was the first step in his plan.

"I have a bit of a problem," Sirius yelled through the empty common room.

"What is it, mate?" James looked up from the fireplace.

"I might've accidentally dyed Wormtail's hair," Sirius came down the stairs.

James stood up so quickly that his head got dizzy. "What do you mean accidentally? How can you accidentally dye someone's hair?"

"Prongs mate it wasn't on purpose you know. He got bored of his hair and wanted a streak." James rubbed his head with his hand.

"Very well Wormtail come out," Slowly Peter emerged from the boy's staircase with a panicked look on his face. There Peter stood fiddling with his hands as his entire head was shown bright blue.

"Merlin!" James covered his mouth with his hand to conceal his laughter.

"Does it look bad?" Peter choked out.

James took a deep breath trying to calm himself before trying to calm himself down. "Noooooo. Of course not," he lied.

"You're lying,"

"No. I'm not!" He was. James really tried to keep a stone impression on his face looking at Peter but when he looked at Sirius and saw him holding in his laugh the boys broke down.

"Don't laugh!" Peter stomped.

"We're not. We're not. It looks great," James reassured. "It shows a statement," Peter nodded with that seemingly content with James' words.

"Good let's go. We have to meet Remus and Eva," James smiled and the trio walked out of the common room. They walked to the courtyard where they found Eva and Remus sitting crisscrossed on the floor with books in front of them seemingly unaware of the trio coming up to them.

"Hey, guys!"

Eva looked away from Remus to where the group in front of them only to be stunned to find a blue-haired man. And was shocked even more when she found out that the blue-haired man was her friend.

"Omg, Peter! Your hair, it looks so-" She made eye contact with James behind him who was shaking his head rapidly and motioning no with his hand. "Great. It looks wonderful,"

"Really!" Peter got excited.

"Of course Pete! it brings out your eyes," Eva smiled.

"Thanks, Eva!" Peter said before sitting down next to the rest of the boys who had started sitting on the ground.

"No problem Pete," Eva looked towards Remus who was death-glaring Sirius who was just sitting there smiling hiding behind James. And that is the story about how Peter had blue hair for a week.

♡ ♡ ♡

A/N: Hi guys so sorry this is a short chapter and it took so long. I had a very stressful month tbh. I had my SATs this month, realized that I'm failing most of my classes in my junior year, and also found out that my mom has a couple of years left to live. All in all a pretty stressful month but I'm on spring break rn and I'll try to write more and update frequently especially cause I have such exciting ideas for the future so enjoy this filler and I'll see you guys soon.

love always emily <3

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