Surprise redhead

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First off thank you to everyone who likes, comments, shares and even just reads my book it really does mean the world to me and it's more fun to artiste when you know people enjoy it.

Secondly I can't believe that i wrote, and you guys read more than 20,500 words. Thirdly no Ginny slander in this book bc I love her :) 

Enough talking here's the update

Ginny's POV

I miss harry, not in that kind of way just in the 'I miss my one of my best friends' kind of way, things have been so hectic with teddy and him moving houses that I haven't had a chance to catch up with him.

So like any sane person I decide to show up at his door with a bottle of red wine at 7 in the morning on a Saturday.

I expect to see him groggy or half asleep, what I do not expect to see is Draco bloody Malfoy in pyjamas, and merlin, he does not look like a morning person.

I can't say I'm that surprised to see him, Hermione did say Harry had moved in with someone who was helping him with Teddy, and  they would make a great couple, the only I'm surprised about is that he actually likes children.

I smile and shake his hand, ha I almost gave him a heart attack. I think he's a little frozen in confusion.

"WHO THE FUCKS AT THE DOOR THIS EARLY!" Harry yells form upstairs.



Wow silencing charm, I really did not need to know that. In fact that's probably top of the list of things I never need to know, and top of the lists of things not to yell downstairs to an unknown guest, it's not that I'd mind if he told me, I love drama. It's just that I think he'd mind if professor McGonagall showed up and that was the first thing she heard about his private life in about 2  1/2  years.

Draco waves me in and closes the door, ignoring Harry.

It's a nice house, bright and cheerful, tasteful though, I take it Harry didn't help with the interior design.

"Um- you can just head right on up if you want, don't worry he's clothed, uh, not that-that would matter-you know, Just- first door on the right."

Wow he's really awkward, in a snooty, aristocratic kind of way.

I do head upstairs, but I first make sure to check out my hair in the mirror, can't be looking like a witch when I meet my future godson.

I peek into the first door on the right just like Malfoy said and see two beds, Harry's in one of them.

"Harry." He's asleep again. I put the wine on the floor by the doorway and take a running leap onto the bed.

Harry's POV

I was dreaming about quidditch when an elephant walked into the stadium, in my dream the elephant sat on me and I couldn't move, wait, that's not a dream, and it's not an elephant either.

At first I think Ron decided to grow his hair out and jump me in my sleep, then I realize it's Ginny.

"Ginny!" I sit up and hug her, it's been so long since I saw her, I saw her at the party but I was too drunk to move. She laughs and sits up fixing her hair. I forgot how nice her laugh is.

"It's so good to see you." 

"Yeah, you sure I didn't interrupt anything?" She waggles her eyebrows in a hunting way but I have no idea what she's hinting at.

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