Minerva now waited for Harry James Potter to bring him to a good friend of hers to take care of as the school year was still going on and could therefore not take care of a baby in the middle of classes. She had an uneasy feeling it was going to take longer than Sirius and she had thought for him to find the rat.

Unfortunately he was too good at hiding.

One of the things that helped him get out of detentions in school.

Minerva was brought out of her musings as Albus said something about fighting against the Dark and preserving the Light and poor little Harry. The headmaster was so far behind the times, it was sad.

There was no longer any separation between the Dark and Light side, and there was even greater representation in the Grey. You-Know-Who is actually just a very evil person who had been trying to push pure-blood ideals in the wizarding world (his name has actually been cursed since the beginning—Dumbledore is just too old and senile for the evil man to care if he says it). If he had succeeded, the wizards would have died off.

The only thing that Dumbledore got right is that Harry is the future of the wizarding world. However it is more accurate in the general sense. As in the younger generation is the future of the world? He's just focused on poor Harry for some odd reason.

"Would you care for a lemon drop?"

"A what?" No matter how often he said strange, random things, sometimes it caught her completely off guard.

"A lemon drop. They were kind of Muggle sweet I'm rather fond of."

"No thank you," she said, gathering her thoughts once again. She'd almost forgotten how he would always be up to date on the world of sweets as well.

It would take some time for the wizarding world to calm down after the fall of the darkest wizard since Grindelwald. As far as the auror team that had investigated the scene could tell, Lily Potter had performed some kind of blood ritual that had been sealed by her death to protect Harry from the next harmful curse sent his way.

Her last effort to kill him as she knew he would use the killing curse. It was his signature spell. She and Regulus Black had been working on something in the Department of Mysteries that was working to get rid of You-Know-Who for good. I'm sure you have guessed that it was the Horcruxes.

I know you're wondering how Regulus escaped the Inferi in that cave. Suffice it to say that Kreacher found some kind of loophole in his orders and—much like Dobby—found a way to save his life by going to Lily for help. It was a surprise to everyone that he went to a 'mudblood' for help but no one's complaining.

Of course most of this is not known to Dumbledore because as you've seen, he will say anything that comes to mind and he is behind the times. He would have condemned Lily for performing the blood ritual because it was dark magic or would have blamed it on something completely different like 'love.'

"No problems, were there?"

Albus' words jolted Minerva out of her thoughts once again, helping her realize that she had missed Hagrid flying in on the bike that Sirius had lended him so he could get Harry here safely. The one place no Death Eater would think to look for the cause of their master's death. Muggle country.

"No, sir—the house was almost destroyed, but we got him out all right before the Muggles started swarmin' around. He fell asleep as we was flyin' over Bristol." Hagrid smiled proudly at the professors and held him out so they could see him peacefully sleeping.

Under that tuft of jet-black hair over his forehead, there was the soon to be famously lightning shaped scar. It jagged out across his face like a massive bolt in a thunderstorm. He'll have that scar forever.

Dumbledore took the baby, careful not to wake him, and brought him towards the doorstep of Number four.

Minerva hung back, to comfort the rather loud, crying half-giant but watched the feeble old man carefully to make sure he didn't drop the baby.

"Well," the headmaster said finally, "that's that. We've no business staying here. We may as well go and join the celebrations."

"Yeah," said Hagrid in a very muffled voice. "I'd best get this bike back to Sirius. G'night, Professor McGonagall—Professor Dumbledore, sir."

The two watched as he swung a leg over the motorcycle and kicked it off into the night.

"I shall see you soon, I expect, Professor McGonagall," Dumbledore said, nodding to her. He walked off down the street, clicking the lights back into place and disappearing with a crack!

Minerva had transformed into her cat form in the pretense that she was leaving but once she heard the headmaster leave, she emerged once again from the bushes warily. Twitching her tail, she slowly walked over to the sleeping baby. Looking from the baby to the door, she have a small hiss before putting a paw on the bundle of blankets and disappearing just as Dumbledore had earlier.

-            -            -

"Merlin! Minerva! Is that who I think it is?"

"Yes, Jane. I need your help, at least for this school year."

UnWrittenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें