Preparing For Battle

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They had to alter their initial plans before they even left the field near the bridge that morning. The older boys noticed Kirin hunched over the wicker cage, holding the fighting crickets. The aggressive males each had their own walled-off spaces within. They were large and strong and their chirrups were vibrating at a high intensity as they longed to get at their adversary, heard but out of vision. When they approach the young boy they were surprised! When he looked at them. he had large tears in his eyes.

He threw his arms around Wei Ying's waist and began to wail loudly.

An upset Ying smoothed the child's hair, and Lan Zhan knelt and patted the heaving shoulders.

"Kirin? What's the matter, Little Dark One? Calm down. Breathe slowly. That's it, that's it..."

The sobbing slowly ebbed, and he turned a tragic face toward his Wangzi.

"Now, when you are ready, go ahead and let us know why you are sad, okay?"

He hiccuped, a world of woe in the series of them that followed as he tried to explain.

"I...*hic*...I think they are...*hic*...scared!"

Lan Zhan raised the cage to his face and peered inside. Scared? He looked closer and damned it one of the creatures didn't lunge at him and...Really? Did the hideous thing actually hiss at him?

He nearly dropped the wicker container, and Wei Ying smothered a grin.

"Scared?" Answered Lan Zhan. The child nodded solemnly.

"They don't...*hic* want to fight...*hic*...they like each other..."

"Like each other. Okay."

"They don't want to kill anybody." He gazed earnestly at the older boys. "They don't want to die."

Lan Zhan asked, "But isn't that what they are born to do and are trained to do?"

"Yes. But they don't really WANT to do it."

"How do you know this?"

The bottom lip began to quiver again. "Because they told me so. The green one wants to hop free in the grass and sing all day. The black one says he wants a wife and lots of babies."

Wei Ying knelt and joined the two. "You three must have gotten to know each other pretty well this morning." He looked at Lan Zhan and winked.

"Well, Lan Zhan? You bought these guys with your money. It should be your decision. What do you think?"

"Well... I think if the crickets prefer different lives than what they were purchased for, then perhaps we should grant them their wishes. Is that a good plan?"

Kirin squealed with delight a threw his arms around Lan Zhan's neck, and the embarrassed older boy patted the child's back slowly until he calmed.

"Let's take the basket to those bushes. You realize we can release one there, but we will release the other across the creek bed. We do not want them having an argument right away, do we?"

Kirin nodded, and Wei Ying sat back as the pair held hands and searched for the perfect bushes to release the crickets into the wild. His heart swelled with love as he watched.

Lan Zhan returned and sat next to Wei Ying, and they laughed at the youngster as he ran from bush to bush, to check on his hopping friends.

Wei Ying elbowed Lan Zhan. 'Good job, Wangzi!"

Lan Zhan shook his head in wonder. "Kids can be very persuasive and impossible to use logic with!"

"Yeah. And Kirin is an expert. I can't resist him when he turns on the waterworks."

"So, I am going to change the subject for a moment, Wei Ying... Tell me. How do I beat Xue Yang at kite fighting? I want to know his weaknesses."

Wei Ying was startled at the deadly seriousness, suddenly present in Lan Zhan's voice.

"Lan Zhan?"

"Tell me. You have fought him before. He is dangerous and I need an advantage."

"He is skilled, one of the best, and he knows it. If he draws first blood, he is like a shark in the water. It is in the frenzy that follows, that he is at his most lethal. But unlike the shark, he is impetuous. Becomes reckless for more. The desire to drink in the opponent's fear and create more overwhelms him. Why are you bringing it up now? Don't you also have a job to do for your Uncle?

"Yes. First two days, will compete. And listen closely. Garner all the information for Uncle needed. Up to me how and when to parcel it out to him. Then we practice the kites the morning of the third day. After that, I will challenge Xue Yang. He will learn fear. He will be hurt and humbled. Will not injure Wei Ying again."

"But, Lan Zhan, you will leave this place soon. If he is too angered, Kirin and I will face him again. I cannot risk that."

Lan Zhan turned and faced Wei Ying. "You will not be here. Last night I spoke to Brother. He is looking for homes for you and Kirin. Hopefully the same one. If not, good places for both. We will not leave you without a place of safety to go to."

Wei Ying's mouth dropped open, and he was without words. His soft, gray eyes shone silver with tears and astonishment.

"Homes for us?"

Lan Zhan nodded.

" Really? Oh. Oh my! It would be nice if it were together, but even separately would be okay. As long as Kirin has a mother and father."

"I knew you would say that. But I want you safe too. So Lan XiChen will work it out by the time we leave. Agreed?"

Wei Ying wrapped his benefactor in a huge hug, and Lan Zhan allowed it. Sometimes it was the most natural way for his friend to react, and Lan Zhan was finding that hugs were nice, if given by someone he trusted.

A little embarrassed, they rose to their feet and cleared their throats.

"Well. Um, sorry about that. I was so happy I just..." The boy tugged at the carmine ribbon in his unruly hair.

"No need. No need." Lan Zhan's ears were bright red.

"Hey. Time is flying by. Let's gather Kirin and our equipment and head on out.

"Good idea. No food to pack. We can buy that at the market."

Wei Ying laughed. " Can I get spun sugar animals?"

Lan Zhan shot him an amused side glance. "Wei Ying can buy whatever he wants," he said.

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