Chapter 2: Return to Primeival's Eye

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Lloyd grabbed the sword off of Harumi's back and began cutting every branch and vine in his way. He thought that, if they made it to the other side of the jungle, they could camp out for the night and think of a plan to get back to the city in the morning.
"*Yawn*, Ll-Lloyd? Where are we...?" Harumi muttered. Lloyd gently put her down, while cracking a huge smile.
"Harumi! You're awake!"
"Come on, you didn't think I was gonna be passed out forever, did you?" Harumi teased.
They both had a good laugh and then carried on through the Jungle.
"Any sign of your friends? Have you tried contacting them?" Harumi queried.
"Not yet," Lloyd replied,
"But I'm pretty sure my radio is broken. I'm no mechanic, but the thing has wires sticking out. And I'm 99% confident neither of us brought a spare tool kit along."
"Darn it. How will we get out of here?" Harumi muttered angrily, "It's not like we have anywhere to stay in the meantime, either."
"Actually, we might." Lloyd said enthusiastically.
"This jungle has to have an end, right? Where that mountain is."He pointed towards a large silhouette in the distance.
"Yeah, probably, but what good would that do us?" Harumi questioned.
"What if there's a cave where we can camp out for the night?" Lloyd answered, "Then we can wait until morning to make a plan. Maybe we could also collect food. Who knows, we could be stuck here for days, or even weeks!"
"That's true," Harumi agreed, "Okay, I trust you." Harumi smiled at him, and he smiled back. They seemed to be on mutual terms. Maybe they even considered eachother friends.
"Aside from that, though, don't you think the rest of my- I mean, the Overlord's- council will come for us? They saw us escape and know roughly where we are. They *will* find us." Harumi reminded Lloyd.
"That's true," he replied, "But what else can we do other than hide?"
"We could fight," Harumi said excitedly
"No, that's too risky," Lloyd said, crushing Harumi's excitement.
"Imagine how powerful they are. Who knows, they might've released The Overlord from his crystal by now. It's just not worth the risk. Now, let's keep moving."

"*Sigh* fine." Harumi said frustratedly.

*A few hours later*


"Yeah? What's up, Harumi?"

"Do you see that, too?"
Harumi pointed to a flying object up above.

"What is that...?" Lloyd wondered, "It looks like it has crystals on it. And the person riding it looks like..."

They both came to a sudden realisation.
"ASPHEERA!" They shouted in unison.
"We have to get out of here!" Lloyd screamed, as he grabbed Harumi's hand and they both ran as fast as the could.

"We need to hide!" Harumi yelled, "Look, there! Below that tree!"
She pointed towards a large tree, and they both hid beneath it.
Lloyd put a finger on his lip, signalling that they needed to stay quiet.

"I saw someone! Over there!" Aspheera said to the Skull Sorcerer.
"... where?" he queried.
"...I saw something green! I swear it!" she shouted in frustration.
"Well there's a lot of green here. It's a jungle for goodness sake. You must've been seeing things."
*Ugh, fine. Don't believe me. You'll see I was right once we find our leader and her little joke of an acquaintance in this cursed jungle*, Aspheera thought to herself in anger.

Pythor was behind them, and took a smaller vehicle below the canopy and into the jungle itself. He managed to spot Lloyd and Harumi, and called out to the rest of the Council.
"I found them! Fire at will! We must capture the councillor and her... ugh, what even are you? Her friend? Her enemy? Her saviour? Heck, you could be her prince charming for all I care. As long as you're dead and she's captured. Now, ATTACK!"
"Hey! I'm not-" Lloyd was cut off by Harumi.

"Lloyd, we need to go! NOW!" she ordered, as she grabbed his arm and dragged him along with her whilst sprinting at top speed.

"Why exactly have you grabbed me?" Lloyd questioned Harumi.

"Cmon, you've saved me from certain death twice today. It's my turn to save you." Harumi said confidently.
Lloyd smiled and shrugged it off. After all, friendly jokes during dark times have always helped him keep his spirits up. What's wrong with having a little joke around while running from deadly crystal vehicles?

Suddenly, Harumi froze in place.
"Dead end." she said, sighing. She continued,
"What do we do now? It's not like your friends know where we are. They aren't gonna just appear at the last second to come and save-"
Just then, the ground started shaking.
"Wha- what's the rumbling? An Earthquake?"
"No, Rumi, look!" Lloyd pointed towards the *Destiny's Bounty,* rising up from behind them.
*Well, I stand corrected,* Harumi thought.
"Lloyd, jump!" shouted Master Wu, who was controling the ship.
Lloyd grabbed Harumi's wrist and they both jumped onto the ship. Nya greeted them and explained to them how they managed to get the Bounty back.
"That's amazing, Nya! I'm so glad you're-" Lloyd paused and suddenly had a worried look on his face. Harumi muttered, "Guys, I- I feel a bit dizzy..." she passed out again.
"RUMI! ARE YOU OKAY!?" Lloyd screamed, while kneeling down to check on her.
"She's fine," Nya assured Lloyd, "She's just unconscious. Take her to the sleeping quarters and give her some... water..." her voice trailed off, seeming to show that she remembered her old powers and desperately wanted them back.
Lloyd put his hand on her shoulder.
"It'll be okay. You're one of the strongest people I know. You don't need powers to put up one heck of a fight. Now go out there and show them what you've got!"
Nya smiled.
"Lloyd, has anyone ever told you that you have a gift of knowing what to say at the right time?"
Lloyd laughed sheepishly and carried Harumi below deck.
"Alright, Crystal Council, get ready, cause you're about to get Nya'd!"

*Below deck*

Lloyd placed Harumi on his bed and brought her some water. He gently tilted her head up and gave her the drink.
"Don't worry, Harumi. Everything will be okay. You just need to rest for a bit." he said, while putting the cup down on his bedside table.
He smiled at her.
"Yknow, this reminds me of when we were in the jungle and you made me an arm sling when I fell on it." he began reminiscing the entire trip in the jungle during the time of the SOG.
"If only you were awake and the villains were gone. Maybe then we could reminisce together..."
He heard a bang above deck. The council was shooting missiles made of crystal at the *Bounty*.
"I have to go now, Rumi. My friends need help in battle. I promise, everything will be okay."
He gave her a hug, took his sword from the weapon rack on the wall and charged into battle, while Harumi laid there unconscious.

*Above deck*

Nya was fighting while talking to Lloyd about what happened while he was gone.
"Lloyd, just out of curiousity, where exactly were you all this time?" Nya queried.
"Well... The Overlord... he's back..."
"WHAT!?" Master Wu and Nya shouted in unison.
"Master, you need to tell Zane and Cole!" Nya screamed.
"Right!" said Master Wu, who immediately turned on his radio.
"Zane, Cole, do you read me?"
"Yeah, we read you." Cole replied.
"Affirmative." Zane remarked.
"Good, now fall back. I'll explain when you get here. But in short... we are not ready for this..." Wu summarised, while looking at the Overlord's temple, floating in the distance.

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