xv. uprising

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THERE WERE SO MANY dead bodies surrounding her. This statement alone was alarming, but in the context of fighting their way to the underworld with hundreds of monsters blocking their path, Annais tried to take it as a good thing. They clawed their way out of the pit, but then they milled about aimlessly, waiting for one of the demigods to give them directions as they chest-bumped each other for no apparent reason. Some even pushed one another back into the chasm, their crumbling jaw bones opening and closing in silent laughter. Others shot arrows into the air like they were trying to murder the flies, only narrowly missing the living demigods but completely avoiding the monsters they were actually summoned to destroy.

Despite this, Annais forged on, hacking down anything that pointed a weapon at her. One particularly nasty Empousa met a bloody end as she bore down on Annais out of nowhere, somehow missing the splintered shadow that swung at her neck. Hea collided with her from behind, shoving a spear through her back as her eyes glittered in a frenzy.

"I see what you mean about the shadows," she commented while offering Annais a hand. She acted like they had all the time in the world, frowning when an Earthborn threw a volley of stones at where Annais' head had been just moments before. "That wasn't very nice."

He was the next to meet his end at the tip of her spear.

Meanwhile, the others -- excluding Frank, who was off on a mission of his own from the looks of it -- were guarding Nico's back. Her brother was swinging his black sword with one hand and holding the sceptre aloft with the other. Despite their previous petulance, he kept shouting orders at the dead army to no avail. Even Jason tried again, though his voice was shaky and doubtful, most of his efforts focused on summoning gusts of wind to blast aside javelins and arrows. Piper put her new sword to good use but kept her cornucopia close by, shooting hams, chickens, apples and oranges like miniature missiles that thunked off monster heads and confused them.

It really was a wonder they hadn't been overpowered yet. The air was thick with smoke from vials of Greek fire. Centaurs and Empousa had joined the Earthborn, Cyclopes and gryphons. The undead were still milling around cluelessly when, all of a sudden, Annais heard Frank shout a frustrated 'make way!' and hundreds of corpses snapped to attention.


Well, she hadn't expected this.

Frank's face slackened. He barely managed to avoid an arrow shot from a centaur, blinking in a nervous haze when some of the closest legionnaires turned to him with blank but expectant eyes. Like they were waiting for orders. The truth of it struck Annais at the same time as another Empousa. She summoned her sword, matching the violently screeching girl with every blow, but her mind had wandered to the reality of why Frank could control the legionnaires and not Jason.

DEVIL TOWN ━━ jason grace²Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat