"Grace. I want her out of all our lives for good. She's going to hurt him, I can't lose him an'all." Cersei fumed, her upset turning to anger at the thought of Grace Burgess "Shh, you're not going to lose him, your dad'll outlive us all." Polly assured her. Once Polly had calmed Cersei down the two of them prepared Breakfast for the house. Her anger was still prevalent as she chopped the sausages apart from the long line they'd come in when Arthur and Finn had bought them one evening while Polly was washing Cersei's hair, it turned out, given the proper hair products Cersei's hair was naturally curled.

Once Breakfast was done and Finn had been called down Tommy walked down the stairs to see his daughter and Polly at the table with Finn, each one of them eating their breakfast while his and Arthur's were rested on the plates between the other three. "Morning Dad." Cersei greeted with a warm smile. "Happy Birthday." He replied "It's your birthday?" Finn asked. "Finn we've been planning a party all week." Polly chuckled in amusement "Have ya? I hadn't a clue." Finn replied bluntly.

"Cers, provided you only have a few, you've got your dads permission to drink tonight." Cersei nodded for a moment before seeing Tommy's barley expressive yet slightly stunned face and as a result quickly  'cheering' herself up "Thank you." Cersei replied with a smile.

"Can I go get John?" Finn asked. Tommy and Polly shared a glance before nodding. "Arthur your foods going cold." Polly shouted up the stairs. Cersei ate her breakfast and walked up the stairs to get changed, ever since Ada had left her room had felt empty, Tommy had put the two beds together one day and Cersei had come home to two beds stuck together.

Cersei missed Ada, quite a bit actually. She often found herself laying awake, waiting for Ada to walk in and complain about her hogging their beds. Or mutter about Freddie.

Ada actually understood how unfair it was that the boys had more freedom than them, Cersei had yearned for a father her entire life and now she felt more restricted than when she did with her mother dying and her Auntie never letting her go anywhere.

The most outing she did was sleeping at Hattie's while her father was conducting business, she slept over Hattie's a lot now that she thought about it.

"Cersei" Polly shouted up the stairs to Cersei's dismay Polly had decided it was time that the girls hair had a wash, which meant Cersei sitting in a bath for an hour while Polly fussed over her, it wasn't that she didn't like Polly.

She adored her, she didn't her hair being fussed with, she never had, during the period of her childhood where she had refused to speak her mother would spend hours playing with her hair, her shaking yellowing fingers running through Cersei's hair.

Often times Cersei would think she was seven again, the ghost of her mother's fingers traipsing through her hair while she herself refused to say a word.

Polly's voice was an anchor, keeping her sure she wasn't in London again. That she wasn't desperate for her mother to get better, praying about it every evening.

Cersei had come to find out that she didn't believe in god, if he cared so much for all his children then why did her mother die? Why did Sophia's son die as a little boy? Why did he not let her father and mother be happy together. God wasn't real, not to Cersei anyway.

Luckily for Cersei, Polly had to be called away which meant she could bury her head underneath the water and soak for a moment.

Within half an hour Cersei was dressed in a lavender dress and white socks with slightly heeled Mary—Jane shoes she'd gotten as a gift. Her hair brushing against her as she moved.

John's children had made her presents, the little ones all made her a drawing while Katie made her a bracelet Cersei had decided to put on her ankle underneath her socks for safe guarding.

John himself had very clearly sent Polly to get a gift from him, Arthur too. She had gotten books from them which she was extremely happy with.

Tommy had bought her a few dresses and told her he had a surprise for later which made Cersei anxious if she's was being entirely honest. She hated surprises, so she just had to hope this one was a good one.

Within an hour of her getting her gifts and putting them away Cersei was being hurried to the Garrison, Cersei assumed it was for a party and she was correct, what she was upset to see was Grace Burgess' stupid fucking face behind the bar.

Cersei decided then and there she would spend most of her evening with Katie and her father, Cersei's Uncle John. Which is exactly what she did, Cersei spent most of the evening dancing with Katie, trying to ignore Grace's presence as she and Katie twirled around the pub.

Eventually Katie had to go home which caused Tommy to focus more on his daughter, more so that she had barley touched the alcohol she had gotten as a birthday gift, instead of letting it go to waste Tommy drunk it himself before making his way to Cersei who was talking with Finn.

Cersei must have noticed his shoes since she shot her head up to see him. Cersei wasn't quite sure how they had gotten there but within a few minutes they were at the Stables where a chocolate brown pony was awaiting her, It turned out that was her surprise and Cersei was ecstatic about it. The dull expression on her face when she looked at her father had faded and in its place was a wide smile.

"She's wonderful" Cersei exclaimed. "You can name her anything you like, and soon you'll be able to ride her. Charlie said you were ready for a horse." Tommy told his daughter who nodded before a name popped into her head, Tommy could see her eyes brighten as the realisation came to her.

"Can I name her Chocolate?" Cersei asked ".. If you want." Tommy replied finding the name a little odd. Tommy nodded and walked to find Charlie or Curly which left Cersei petting her  horse who already loved her.

After Tommy had to practically drag her back home Cersei ended up going to bed and reading a book she'd gotten called Anne Of Green Gables. She managed to get through three chapters before Polly had come in to make sure she was sleeping which she of course was not, which resulted in Polly putting the book back in the cupboard and closing it before sitting at the edge of Cersei's bed before she finally fell asleep.

fucking hell this was a monster of a chapter to write
i am NEVER writing a fully original chapter for peaky ever again im sorry

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