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  Children's Day, a festival that a group of overage college students love very much, even more actively than when they were young.

On this day, Lin Luoluo and the others only majored in the last two small classes in the afternoon. The class leader counted everyone's situation in the class group in advance, and decided to have dinner and sing K together after class.

Before the class started, the monitor sent another notice in the class group: [Everyone, after school this afternoon, meet directly at the "Xu Ji Barbecue" outside the school, don't forget! ]

After Lin Luoluo clicked "Confirm Received", she closed the group chat window and returned to the list interface.

Among all the messages, there are two top chats, the top one is marked "little aunt", and the other is a group chat of the four of them.

The list interface can also see the last message of the last chat. Lin Luoluo couldn't help but click on the one that said "Good night".

[Little aunt: I'm sorry, I can't go back tomorrow, and I can't spend the holiday with you. ]

[Little Aunt: But no more than three days at most, I can go back. 】

Although the reply last night said it was okay, Lin Luoluo was still a little disappointed.

They have been together for half a year, and there are many festivals in the first half of the year, but they can really have a good time together, except for the year, there is nothing else. Although Shangyuan Festival and Valentine's Day are celebrated together, the former is in a hurry, while the latter has a good time, but it has not been carefully prepared.

If the Children's Day is over, there will be fewer and fewer festivals to spend together. Lin Luoluo swiped up and down the chat window a few times, and finally closed it.

"Luo Luo, is it alright for you to go back later tonight?" the classmate next to him asked in a low voice.

Shaking her head, Lin Luoluo said, "It's okay."

"Why don't you ask your family to come with you?" Another classmate said, "Who is in our class, it seems that he is going to bring a date today." "

She is in Jianglin, Haven't come back yet."

Hearing this, the classmate nodded: "Ah, there is no other way, the people at work are really busy. We have to cherish the little campus life we ​​have left." "Yes. There is still the last summer vacation

. It's time to prepare for the autumn recruitment." The squad leader sat in the front row, leaning on their table, echoing his emotion in a low voice.

Lin Luoluo didn't have any special feelings about the little campus life left, but she still felt confused about work and the future from time to time.

The teacher on the podium said: "Let's have a group discussion next."

The classroom suddenly became lively.

Seeing that no one wanted to discuss the issue, Lin Luoluo simply asked, "Have you thought about what to do after graduation?" The class monitor said, "I'm

going to take the postgraduate entrance examination across majors."

Another student said, "My parents entrusted me with the relationship. I found a job as a bank teller."

"Let's take an examination of the public."

"Examination of the editor."

After all, no one planned to work in this profession.

Lin Luoluo was a little surprised: "Don't you all like this major?"

"It's one thing to like it, but another to live." The classmate shrugged, "It's too difficult for our major to find a job, especially for girls. The GPA is not particularly high, so I'm sure you won't be able to grab it. What about you, Luoluo? You should be able to work in this line of work, right?" "

Probably." Lin Luoluo, who originally wanted to gain some experience from her classmates, was not sure about herself Can I work in this line of work, "After all, I don't have any other specialties, and my grades in the postgraduate entrance examination are not enough."

Lin Luoluo only has good grades in professional courses, but her foreign language proficiency in the postgraduate entrance examination is a mess.

"Okay, students, this is the end of the discussion, which group will talk about their own views first?" The teacher clapped his hands on the podium, ending the discussion.

The squad leader and the other two students turned around, and the whole class lowered their heads in unison.

Even though they have already arrived at the university, most people still retain the previous habit of bowing their heads when they hear the answers to questions. After all, university teachers also have a common habit, that is, whoever bows his head slowly will be "caught strong".

The teacher opened the roll call book, and called someone at random.

The person who was called up could only bite the bullet and answer: "I think design should be people-oriented. After all, whether it is a garden or a residence, it is all about serving people..." After praising

this answer, he looked at the people in the class. Negative atmosphere, the teacher did not roll the roll and continued the class.

This class is about trade-offs in design, Lin Luoluo was listening, and casually wrote and drew on the paper: trade-offs... No wonder I feel that the yard I designed for my grandma has fallen into a bottleneck recently, and I am too reluctant to "give it up" up. A small yard, in pursuit of "completeness", always wants to stuff everything into it.

After class, Lin Luoluo felt that her train of thought, which had been stuck for a few days before, suddenly became clear. So much so that when everyone walked towards the outside of the school together, they couldn't help but relax their steps.

The classmate next to him smiled and asked, "Why are you so happy all of a sudden? Is it because my wife came back early?" "

No," Lin Luoluo waved her hand, "I just figured out something." "

Then let's go sing K all night together!"

" Good." Anyway, there is nothing to do tomorrow, Lin Luoluo thought: It would be nice to spend the holidays with my classmates.

The barbecue shop is not big, and as soon as thirty or thirty young people poured in, the shop was immediately full.

On weekdays, the business in the store is average, and a group of people came all at once to make a round. The boss was still very happy and introduced the situation after busy work.

When the boss said "drinks are free", a group of young people immediately cheered, and the boss realized after a while that he seemed to have said such a terrible thing.

"Where's Zhao Er?" The squad leader nodded and asked the person in charge of the boys.

The sports committee in charge of the boys said: "I'm going to pick up my girlfriend. I just sent a message and I'll be there in five minutes." "

Then let's wait a bit." Looking at the time, the monitor said.

Within three minutes, the boy who went to pick up his girlfriend came back with a very fashionable girl with dyed pink hair.

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm late, I'll punish myself three cups."

The girl is not very human, and said with a smile: "Don't punish him, or he will follow his heart. Just now on the road, I told me to walk slowly. You can just drink three cups." The boy scratched his head: " Why

does this girlfriend turn her elbow outward?"

"Then there will be no penalty, please find a seat and sit down."

The boys in the group over there, the girl with pink hair waved her hand and said, "I'm going to sit with the girls in your class, you can go and play by yourself."

A group of boys couldn't help laughing at the boy: "Hahaha, bring a girlfriend, It doesn't matter if you don't bring it or not!"

"Hello, I'm Zhao Le's girlfriend, you can just call me Xixi." The girl sat on the vacant seat of Lin Luoluo's table, "You are Lin Luoluo Right? I saw you on the Internet before, and you are much cuter than the photo!"

Lin Luoluo is not good at dealing with this kind of natural acquaintance, even though she has experienced it several times, she still can't adapt, so she can only smile awkwardly: "Ah, that's right."

"I heard that you helped the girl's mother contact a lawyer and sue the person who spread the rumors. Thank you."

These words confused Lin Luoluo. She didn't seem to tell anyone about contacting a lawyer to sue, did she? How does she know? Could it be the girl's relative?

"Wow, you are too cunning!" The classmate with a very extroverted personality said with a smile. You got ahead of me."

Xixi laughed, and took a glass of wine from the extra wine and juice in front of her: "Then let's have a drink together, the talk is in the wine." "


Seeing that everyone seemed to know it, Lin Luoluo was at a loss He picked up the glass with water and took a drink.

Putting down the cup, Lin Luoluo asked, "How do you all know about this?" "

Because the police over there have filed a case, and it was on the trending search yesterday. The girl's mother said that she was able to muster up the courage to go to the hospital because of your help." Protecting your daughter's rights." The monitor said, "But we are not sure if bringing this up again will make you sad again, so we kept silent." After all, the

monitor and other students saw Lin Luoluo's breakdown that day. Only afterwards did they know why Lin Luoluo collapsed like this.

"Ah... did I mention something that shouldn't be mentioned?" Xixi looked a little embarrassed.

Lin Luoluo quickly shook her head: "No. But, why did you say thank you to me?" "

How should I say it?" Xixi scratched her face twice with her index finger and said, "I just feel that you have done what many people want to do, but Things that I couldn't do due to various reasons. At least, I am like this."

The other students nodded in approval.

For the first time, Lin Luoluo felt that it was a good feeling to be constantly affirmed by people around her.

During the lively dinner, Xixi's boyfriend came over and called her to show her affection. Xixi smiled and said, "No, the girls in your class are much more interesting than you!

" , some students asked: "Xixi, which school are you from?"

"Ah? I have never been to college." Although she was smiling when she said this, Xixi looked into their eyes and seemed a little Envious, "I'm into rock and roll. Oh, by the way, next week our band will hold a concert in the gymnasium next door. Do you want to come and see?" As she said, Xixi took out a stack of

tickets from her bag: "For you , come and play!"

The squad leader took it over, and each of them shared one piece: "We will go to play when we have time."

Lin Luoluo looked at the group photo of the band printed on the ticket, checked the time, and asked the squad leader in a low voice: "Can you give me another one?" ?"

"You want to bring your partner?" The squad leader smiled and handed over another ticket.

Hearing this, Xixi was very happy: "Okay, okay, let's play together!"

The band is a very rare pure girl group, and Lin Luoluo is very interested. Looking at the time, the little aunt will be back by then. Although I can't spend the holiday together today, I can go on a date later. It's also good to listen to rock for a change once in a while.

A group of people drank an unknown number of cases of wine, all of them were very excited, and left the barbecue shop happily, heading for the next destination.

Before going, the squad leader said: "Luo Luo, can you go somewhere with me?"

Although she didn't know where to go, Lin Luoluo nodded, "Okay, do you want a taxi?" "

No, it's right next door."

Follow the squad leader After entering a cake shop, Lin Luoluo watched the squad leader come out carrying two boxes, and hurried forward to take one.

"Hey? Didn't our class fee run out?"

"I saved some money from part-time work a while ago," the class leader smiled shyly, "It's the holidays. Next year's Children's Day, everyone may be doing internships in various places, so we can't We spent it together. On the last Children's Day, as the class monitor, I want to give everyone some gifts, but I don't know what to give, so let's eat cake together." This was the first time

Lin Luoluo saw such a capable monitor with a fluttering expression on his face. had such an expression.

"Wait a minute, I'll go to the supermarket." Lin Luoluo felt that what the monitor said made sense, so she handed the cake back to her, and trotted into the nearby supermarket that was about to close.

After entering, Lin Luoluo picked up a shopping basket and went straight to the candy section. Now it's too late to pick and call the candy in bulk, so I simply picked up dozens of bags of candy from the shelf next to it, including fructose and milk candy, soft candy and hard candy.

The squad leader looked at the big bag of candies: "It's costing you again."

Lin Luoluo smiled, and took a cake box: "It's the holidays."

The author has something to say: I can't write about my little aunt today, but tomorrow Let her go online_(:3」∠)_


to the little angels who voted for me during 2021-10-08 23:38:37~2021-10-09 23:49:38 ~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 from Jixia Academy;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3 bottles of ↖(w)↗Flower Dream; 1 bottle of coconut and Xiaotai; thank

you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard

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