"Shit, I have to get down to the gym." Victoria said when she realized the two had sat there for over two hours doing nothing productive.

"Really? I'll go with you." Peter said, hopping up from his seat. The two headed to the elevator together. "So why do you need to go to the gym? You hate sparring." He asked. Victoria rolled her eyes. "Tony demanded I spar with him, I don't know why literally anyone else couldn't do it." She said.

"Maybe he just wants you to blow off some steam. You seem stressed." Peter offered, staring over at her as they rode the elevator to the gym.

"Maybe. I didn't realize you guys was going to make me fight so often when Steve trained me." Victoria admitted.

"We just think you should know what you're doing." Peter countered. "We don't want anything to happen to you." He added.

"I'm here for a good time, not a long time." Victoria joked, shrugging her shoulders as she did so.

"Yeah, you looked like you were having the time of your life." Peter joked. When the elevator opened up to the gym she saw Tony a sweating mess in the middle of the ring. Nat was standing over him, looking unphased and perfect as always.

"So this is why you need me? You just need a win." Victoria joked. She sat down in one of the many chairs and kicked her sandals off before pulling her fuzzy socks of, stuffing them into her sandals so she wouldn't lose them. She pulled off her blue light glasses and sat them with her sandals.

"Exactly." Tony teased, finally climbing up and smiling over at Victoria.

"Come on, bunny. Come kick my ass." Tony said with a laugh, watching Nat for any funny business as she climbed out of the ring.

"Language." Steve warned, Victoria turned around and saw Steve and Bucky coming back from their run. She smiled at the both and made her way into the ring with Tony.

"Ass is not a bad word." Tony joked, grabbing Victoria's hand and helping her climb between the ropes.

"Come on, bunny. Knock his ass out so we can have some quiet for once." Bucky yelled, Victoria's entire face flushed red.

"Hey, she's only my bunny. The rest of you come up with something else." Tony defended.

"She can fight?" Bucky asked quietly to Steve who simply nodded and watched Victoria.

"Why am I in here if they're here?" Victoria asked Tony as she walked to her side of the ring.

"I'm not fighting with them, not without the suit." Tony admitted, he was not about to spar with the super soldiers.

"You big baby." Victoria taunted, dancing around Tony in the ring. She was light on her feet, bouncing as she circled him.

"Enough chit chat, fight!" Clint yelled out. Tony immediately came at Victoria and swung on her, she ducked to dodge the hit and slid under his arm. She popped back up behind him, Tony quickly whipped around and swung again. Victoria this time simply jumped back.

"Don't let him corner you!" Peter yelled. Victoria ducked to miss another swing, landing a punch to his gut before she popped up behind him again. Tony spun around on his heels, swinging his leg to kick Victoria which she blocked with both forearms and pushed him back. Tony moved to lunge at Victoria but she jumped up, kicking him square in the chest with both feet before slamming into the ring flat on her back.

"Get up!" Steve called out as Tony quickly hopped up and moved to punch Victoria, she rolled to miss the hit and jumped to her feet. She swung her leg up at him, kicking him in the sternum as she took a large step forward and swung her fist at him at the same time. Tony blocked the punch but jumped back. Victoria kept coming at him, cornering him in the ring slowly while blocking Tony's attacks.

"Why does she fight like me?" Bucky asked quietly. Steve simply shrugged. "We had a lot of free time when half the world was gone." He admitted. Bucky studied Victoria's technique. A lot of her style mirrored his own.

Tony moved towards Victoria again, this time she grabbed onto the ropes behind her, jumping up and kicking him in the chest with both feet again. Before Tony could recover she lunged at him, swinging one leg up and kicking him in the gut before punching him in the chest. Tony quickly grabbed onto her, but she spun in his grasp and straight armed hit him in the throat, throwing him to the ground.

"Vic" Steve yelled before roughly throwing a knife at her, she whipped her head around and luckily caught it just in time. She fell down to her knees, straddling Tony as she slammed the knife into the ring next to Tony's head. She crawled off of Tony before flopping down onto the mat, exhausted.

"Okay, tell me again. Why are you only an assistant?" Nat teased. Victoria simply raised her middle finger up at Nat, refusing to get up.

"Why do I always forget who taught you?" Tony said as he caught his breath and jumped up, extending a hand to help Victoria up. She took his hand gratefully and let him pull her to her feet.

"Did you really have to throw the knife?" Victoria asked, glaring at Steve from across the gym.

"It was that or the shield, I know you prefer knives." Steve said with a shrug.

"I call the winner." Bucky said with a grin, Victoria looked at him panicked. "No way." She said frantically.

"No fair. You can't fight like me but not fight me." He teased, Victoria looked at him lost for a moment before looking to Steve for an answer.

"So I may have trained you to fight like Buck." Steve admitted with a shrug. "That's why you prefer knives." He added.

"You didn't know? How did you not notice?" Clint teased.

"I don't watch you guys." Victoria admitted. "I'm normally a little busy making sure Steve doesn't go all Leroy Jenkins and run head first into whatever you're doing." She defended.

"Leroy Jenkins?" Steve asked with a raised eyebrow, his arms crossed tightly across his chisled chest. Peter let out a loud laugh at her comparison. "I see it. He totally is Leroy!" He said with a small snort at the realization.

"Nah, you deserve to get your ass kicked for stabbing a hole in my ring. Get up here, Terminator." Tony said. Bucky moved to climb up in the ring but Victoria looked up at the clock and smiled to herself. "Looks like my day is done." She said with a shrug.

"Whimp." Clint teased.

"I never denied that." Victoria responded with a laugh. She climbed out of the ring and headed for her stuff in the seat. Steve came and sat next to her. "I should've told you, I'm sorry." He said.

"I'm not mad, I'm surprised. I figured you'd want me to learn to fight like you." Victoria admitted.

"I have the shield, seemed more practical to train you without it." He admitted. Victoria nodded in agreement as she pulled her fuzzy socks back on, slipping into her sandals afterwards.

"That's true. You would've felt like shit if I didn't catch that knife though." She teased. Steve laughed and stood up with her, following her to the elevator. "I knew you'd catch it, you always do." He said confidently. Victoria hopped into the elevator but Steve stayed behind with the group. She gave him a mock salute as the doors shut.

The Grey - Steve Rogers + Bucky Barnes X OC Love StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum