Chapter eleven: Surgery

Start from the beginning

Danla smiles wryly. "Oh, did the mad scientist have a change of heart?"

Jack takes a clean straight cut and looks at the tracker, still hesitating. "Your choice, Jack," Howard says. Jack trembles, holding the tracker. "I need to talk to the girl, Thuja's daughter. Get that officer to get her for me."


(V's POV:)

"DTPD, open up," V says as she knocks on the door. The jet black haired girl dyed purple bangs gives her a puzzled look, but looks at Jax with full of wonder. Her dog gives them a happy welcoming bark, his curled tail was wagging, and he jumped on Jax. "I wasn't expecting visitors this late. Is something wrong, officer?" Zay says. "You're...a shapeshifter...amazing!" She looks at Jax with a smile. "I-I thought the king killed you all off." Zay frowns.

Jax swallows and jumps at Zay's excitement. "Yes...the one and only...I can turn into a black panther."

"Oh, sorry," Zay puts a hand on Jax. "I got carried away, I'm a supernatural being bluff. I didn't mean to scare you, what's your name?


Ghost continues giving Jax loving so does Jax. "Jax, can you go in another room please?" V tells them.

They nod and obey V. "Please, call me V. Look, I got your contact from Lexi's jacket, and I need your help," V replies.

"Okay?"   Zay says.  "Lexi? Lexi Zummer?"


"How can I know I should trust you, V? You don't look like an officer."

"It's a long story, I was hired as a hit woman to gun down Lexi, I never lose, but of course she got away. However, I'm here for you to talk about the tracker," V replies.

"No, I'm not putting it back in." Zay says. "I don't know what you, my dad, and the other scientists are planning, but listen to me, V."


"She almost died of it...she was having seizures. I had to do an emergency surgery on her and gave her a Sunsyn patch. I know Sunsyn isn't any better than the tracker. I-I had no choice. She could've died."

Jax's eye wander up to Zay, they know they just met her and don't know her well, but Jax's intuition tells them that they will like Zay and they trust her.

"They want her dead, Zay," V comments. "She's a monster, a dangerous creature and a criminal."

"I know," Zay submissively says. "Just leave me out of it." Ghost goes to comfort his owner.

V nods. "Okay, I'll leave you alone." "Jax! C'mon, we're leaving." Jax scurries down the the stairs. They look at Zay with  the same eyes an animal does, big eyes of innocence, cute enough to make you want them to take home. Zay stares back.

"Dirty, sketchy cop," Zay mumbles under her breath as she closes the door.

As they walk out to V's police car. Jax could tell V's angry, but mostly stressed out. Her fists are clenched. Salem magically opens the car doors for both of them.

V returns to the room Lexi's being operated on. "She said no," V tells him.

"I can hear and see your disappointment, officer, but I'm not very concerned," Jack says.

"Thanks for noticing," V adds in a smart tone.

"V, since you failed to kill Lexi..." He stitches up Lexi's wounds, takes off his bloody gloves, and cleans the medical tools.

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