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Matt was someone you made you believe in past lives. Before him, you never pondered upon the fact that they could even exist. It's only been a few weeks since you and Matt started dating, but everything feels so right. You pulled out your journal, quick to jot down what you were feeling.

You wanted to write down the words before the passion died down. You wanted to be able to read what you wrote years from now and feel every emotion that you did in this very moment. This moment of epiphany. To transport you back to your youth, to your hazy, drowsy love.

Looking into his eyes made you reminisce things that have never happened. You imagined buying a home together, picking out paint colors. You not being able to decide what shade of white to choose for the living room and Matt gigging at you because he knew better not to tell you that they look the same.

You imagine your first Christmas together with your families combined under the same roof. The laughter that you grew up with being shared with the people who knew Matt before you did. The ones who watched him grow into the one you know now. Matt smiling from ear to ear seeing how happy his brothers look laughing with your siblings. Your mother passing you a content smile when you asked for help with dinner and Matt dropped everything to help you.

You look up from your journal, forgetting your surroundings and the reality you actually live in. Matt was sitting at the end of your bed.  He loves watching you write. The way you quickly tuck your hair behind your ear to display the concentration you have on your face. Your nose scrunched and your eyebrows furrowed. The way your hand can't keep up with the thoughts you have flowing in your mind. He always wondered what goes on up there while you write, and if you ever write about him (you did, you always do).

He looked as if he would melt into the bed itself, in awe of you and how passionate you looked in that very moment. "How long have you been here?" You said giggling. "Not too long. But long enough to make me curious to know what you were writing. If you're okay with me reading it, that is."

You smiled at him, dumbfounded by the fact he needs to ask. You wanted to read out loud every single page you've ever written in that journal to him. Watch him laugh when you wrote something funny, watch him blush when you rambled about how cute he looked in a certain outfit. Followed by "he always looks cute anyways". But you smiled and replied with "of course you can."

You watched Matt's eyebrows rise and fall as he read the page. When he finished, he looked up at you and smiled. He played with your hair, he knew the way it made you blush. You played with the blanket you shared to distract yourself from combusting into a fit of embarrassment. "That was so lovely." You fell into his chest and nestled into his warmth and muttered "thank you". "You're so lovely" He says looking down at you.

You craned your neck upwards to place a kiss on his neck. His fluffy brown hair framed his soft, illuminating face. "You make me believe in past lives too. And for the record all shades of white look the same." You laughed and nudged him playfully with your fist, too dizzy to put up a fight. The world stopped in that moment. The concept of time was completely forgotten. You couldn't remember how long you've been cooped up in your room, but you were with him and that's all that mattered.

authors note:
hii, I just was feeling very spiritual earlier thinking about that feeling of knowing  you were destined to meet certain people/can't imagine life without them earlier so I wanted to go off that lol, I hope you enjoyed it!!
Feedback is highly appreciated and welcomed
- nana <3

ecstasy - matt sturniolo imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang