Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

Hey guys, I'm actually really excited and proud of this story. It will be a two part series, and i might add a third instilment depending on the response I get from it. The first book will follow our MC Misora Fujioka through her childhood as she experiences life and learns lessons, and most importantly starts to understand and embrace love. Yes it'll be cringy at times, they're kids and this story probably isn't for everyone. It's a cute slice of life romance. But for the people who do like this kind of stuff, I hope you enjoy it and have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. Anyways, On to The Story!!!

Oh and please forgive any mistakes or typos, i tried my best to make sure there aren't any but like just incase I missed any.

Third Person Narration

"Missi! Oh good grief! You're still in bed?? Get up!" Mom barged into her room. "You're gonna be late for your first day back in school!" She pulled the blanket off of Misora.

"Mamma! Stop! 5 more minutes! Please?!" Misora wined in protest, curling up in a ball.

"Do you know what time it is? Mark and Heachan are gonna be here in 10 minutes."

"10 minutes? No, I checked the time and It was just 7: 30, I set the alarm for- '' Misora cut herself off as she turned around and looked at the alarm clock on her bedside table. "Oh my god! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" she immediately jolted up and got out of bed. "It's 8:02? How is it- How did I- Ugh!" She walked into her bathroom while groaning.

"Freshen up and get ready, Breakfast is ready downstairs." Mom said as she folded up the blanket.


"Thanks for the delicious breakfast Mrs. Fujioka! " Mark and Heachan bowed and walked to the living room to get their backpacks from the soft tan couch.

"Yea, Thanks mom," Misora followed the boys and got her own backpack. The kids ran out and hopped on their bikes.

"Have a good day guys!" Mom waved and sent the kids on their way.

As they biked to school, the kids chatted away about their thoughts for the first day back to school. The best part of school starting again was this routine she had with her friends, at least Misora thought so. Summer was nice, and she got to hang out with her friends all day, and go to the beach, and see Gigima and all. But there was something about going back to school, having everything happen by a schedule, the fall breeze blowing through her hair as she biked there with Mark and Heachan, that was just... right.

Summer was unpredictable, and fun, and adventurous, but from when school started back up in autumn till when it ended in the beginning of summer, everything just fits and Misora knew exactly how each day was going to go. And while other people thought that was boring, Misora welcomed it.

Her days started with her annoying, but loving family, then went to her amazing friends, teachers, and other peers at school. Came back to her friends- but real ones only this time- in the afternoon for gang hangouts. And finally ended up back at home for snacks, homework, play time with her baby sister, and dinner with her family with game night added to Friday's roster. Then it repeated again and again. Her days were simple, full of youthful innocense and joy. She wasn't the type to make enemies or get wrapped into drama. Her teachers and other adults in general liked her, she was polite and cordial with everyone including the people she didn't like - especially those ones. She never gave any chances for her parents to receive any complaints. And for the most part she was extremely sheltered from everything outside of her little world. If only that could continue on as she started 5th grade and had to grow up. Perhaps it could.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓖𝓵𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓼𝓮 𝓞𝓯 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮  - A NCT Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now