Chapter 7 ~ Facecards

Start from the beginning

"What is with those letters you keep on getting rid of?"
"Those tiny papers where you send messages and recieve-"
"I know what a letter is, asshole."
He threw his hands defensively in the air.
"Calm down, just asking."
I rolled my eyes and kneeled on one knee to tie my shoes.
"We better get going."


We headed to the game area. It was a prison and to be honest, my mind was very clear when we entered. On the table were black rings to wear on our necks. The little screen on them was supposed to be on the back. I put it on and pulled my hair over.

Solitary confinement
Jack of hearts

Guess the card suit that appears on the back of your collar. However, you may not look at the symbol yourself. The time limit is one hour per round. In the final 5 minutes, enter the cell and disclose your symbol. If you do not answer with the correct symbol, it is game over. The collar will explode and you will die. Additionally, when the time teaches zero, the symbol on the collar will reset and change for each round.

"Wait a sec. So that means we just have to ask each other what our symbols are. That's easy, huh?" A sweet guy in overalls next to chishiya spoke up.
"I'm not so sure. They haven't told us what the conditions to win are yet."

The solitary confinement game is about how much you can trust your fellow players. Be aware, that your opponent, the jack of hearts has been already placed among you.

How to win:
Rounds repeat every hour. You win the game when the jack of hearts dies.

Prohibited actions:
Looking at your symbol with a reflective surface is cheating. Players may not use weapons or violence to kill fellow players.

There is no limit of the number of rounds.
Enough food has been provided. While participating in the game, no days will be removed from your visas.

"So we need to lie, find the jack of hearts and kill them off or we'll live out the rest of our days in this prison."

The game will now commence.

The others were already building groups of 2 or 3. I was one with Chishiya of course. "Why don't we form a team and tell one another?", a girl in a very noticeable blur dress suggested. "If we do that, then we can't lie." One by one people started joining

We watched for a bit when the minion guy asked us if he could join. "If you want to survive, you need to observe everyone here very closely," Chishiya answered. "You need to remember everyone who doesn't lie. Besides I could be the Jack of Hearts myself. Look, they've already broken up into groups. They're all sizing up one another to see if they can trust anyone. Do you see these two? Do you knoe what they were doing before the game began."

I definitely did. We were just looking around to observe everything better... Well... It was very uncomfortable.
"This guy's got massive confidence. He's got her under his thumb and wont let her get involved with the other participants. In this game, if you build ultimate confidence with one person, you'll survive and win."
Bellow us, two guys partnered up. I kneeled down to hear them better.

The blue-dressed girl and her team came up to us. "Say, woulf you likr to join our team? It's okay if you dont want to." I glanced at Chishiya, to minion boy and then back to the blue-dressed girl.
"No I don't mind," minion boy said, followed by Chishiya: "Okay. Lez's work together," he said in an odd tone.
"And what about you?"
"Yeah, sure," I responded.

I followed their footsteps to the middle of the prison. Blue-dress stood at the front and told us loud and clearly: "First, we'll start with me. Tell me what suit I am, everybody." She turned around and moved her hair to the side.
"Urumi, your suit is heart." So Urumi is her name... everyone else nodded and repeated: "it's heart." I focused on their body language, I didn't find anything extraordinary though.

The voices suddenly seemed like a blur to me. I watched a tough man with a bunch of tattoos drag someone by the ear, bellow us were the two other guys and behind us the couple.

Time passed. I got enough time to learn names. My suit was heart and Chishiya's diamond. I entered my cell took a deep breath.

Please make your guess

Like I guessed, nothing happened, yet I still squinted my eyes, hoping to get it right. I opened the door and saw everyone else do the same. "Well, well. That was easy." Ippei's face lit up when he noticed we all 3 made it. Cute.

Round 2 will now start.

The ticking indicated our suit changing.
"Let's do it again."

"As long as we're all telling each other, we'll be fine," Ippei said.
"I wouldn't be so sure."

"What's your goddamn problem?!" The tough man from earlier yelled. We all just starred at the poor dude get pushed and thrown. "Hurry up and tell me, fucker!" Banda reached out for the hurt dude. "Are you okay?" "Telm him club," he whispered, barely loud enough for me, Chishiya and Ippei to hear.

"You want another knuckle sandwich?" The man grabbed him by the head while Banda slowly backed off. Multiple punches were thrown at the poor guy. Isn't that against the rules? Whatever, he's going to die next round anyway. "Club." Nobody did anything against the lies and I didn't blame them.

His real suit was diamond. Ippei saw and opened his mouth, but I shushed him quickly. "Now the game is starting for real."

I got told I was diamond too, Chishiya was clubs. The hour flew past pretty quickly.


My cell was directly next to the now-dead man's one. His body and the blood splattered wall could be seen through the window and his profile on the screen turned dark.

"Say, he's probably the jack," Urumi assumed. No he wasn't, he was just a scared guy with heavy anxiety who was influenced.
"He lied and killed that guy. Let's kill him on this round," she planned behind his back.

We switched to the storageroom and I grabbed a tiny donut to somewhat enjoy the show. "My turn." "Your suit is spade."
Her voice rose slightly out of excitement, but with the help of her followers, the guy didn't realise the lie.

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