Lost Timeline: Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello poor souls! welcome to my concoction! I hope whoever reads, enjoys. If I do get going with this fanfic then I might update on my A03 account. For now though, it shall grow on here!



When Alice started feeling dizzy on her way to school, she didn't expect much.

It started with a small headache she could explain away due to her last minute cram session last night. Maybe it was the 5 hour energy she took. Honestly it could've been anything she'd been subjecting herself to the last couple days.

So, she took some Tylenol, drank a glass of water, and shook it off.

Her day started normally despite the headache. Her sister, Danny, hogged the shower until Alice had started threatening to turn the hot water off. After a thorough rough housing match between the two of them, she was able to have a quick shower and shove a piece of toast In between her teeth before she needed to leave for her bus.

She left a huge buttery smear on her mother's cheek when she wasn't paying attention and ran out of the house before her mom could glare back. Her father's quiet laughter seemed to follow as she left and the day started to seem like it was going to be okay.

She should have known something was wrong when she almost collapsed after standing up for her next class. But, she shrugged it off and excused it due to the blood rushing to her head.

Lunch was just as confusing since she couldn't seem to stomach the idea of eating anything. Her friends looked at her like she grew a second head, but she seemed to calm down a few worried glances by sneaking a few morsels of food off her friends plates. It had only taken 10 minutes after she'd eaten her last bite though, when she had to excuse herself and speed walk to the washroom. She proceeded to puke out everything she had eaten that day, albeit there wasn't much, but it was her only source of energy she had for her test that day.

Alice silenced her worry by vowing to never drink another 5 hour energy drink again.

Alice really knew something was wrong when the lab test she had been studying all week for, didn't even look English. The words seemed to flow all over the page and she couldn't even find the first question.

Looking away from the page seemed to make the world spin even worse than before, so she continued to stare down at her paper trying to bring it back to its English origins. She didn't seem to notice time passing, as she struggled to make sense of what was in front of her. Sure, she could hear the scratches of other students frantically writing down their answers. She could hear the creaking of the teachers chair as they readjusted throughout the exam. Worst of all, the clock seemed to ring in her head as every tick-tock shook her skull.

After what felt like eternity, words started to coagulate on the paper.

Well, If you could call them words. They looked old, creepy, and meaningless. It looked like something you'd find in an old archeological site. Something that would result in years of study and be the cause of great historical discovery.

Too bad it was on Alice's Lab test.

"Alright! Time's up! Pencils down and heads up!"

Alice couldn't move, the words kept changing, ever moving, nothing other than what was on her page mattered.

Sighs of exhaustion and relief circled Alice as the test ended. Friends and fellow students frantically looked around trying to gauge how their other peers felt about the test. The tick-tock of the clock kept on drilling a hole into her skull, and a chill seemed to settle into Alice's bones. Her heart beat rapidly and her stomach felt like it was continuously dropping as the teacher's shoes tapped towards her desk.

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